Role of Water in the Global Data Processing and Forecasting System Role of Water in the Global Data Processing and Forecasting System. Stella Aura, MBS Director, Kenya Meteorological Department
Serves more users in an integrated and seamless manner. What are GDPFS? The Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) is a Global, Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (eg., RSMC) or a National Meteorological Centre that prepares and makes available to Members in the most cost-effective way meteorological analyses and forecast products. Serves more users in an integrated and seamless manner.
Global Data Processing & Forecasting Centres. Washington Toulouse Montreal Moscow CPTEC Offenbach ECMWF Beijing Exeter Tokyo Melbourne Pretoria
How does KMD benefit from GDPFS Forecasting - Forecast model products from ECMWF, Toulouse and other global centres are used for forecasting; NWP – KMD runs the WRF and COSMO models using initial/boundary conditions from ECMWF; Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project – Products from ECMWF and other global Centres; Capacity building.
Requirements for Hydrology Need for past and present weather data for: Operational hydrology water resources assessment and management Water resources related risk, hazard derives from extreme weather events Modeling and forecasting; Communication/Dissemination of products to the users. 8/20/2019
Requirements of a Water Centre incorporating Meteorology & Hydrology Data sharing protocols and agreements Integrated observation stations Communication systems Integrated databases Common data processing tools Co-production products (e.g. flood warning) Standardization of observations/procedures Shared/combined maintenance 8/20/2019
Requirements of a Water Centre INTEGRATED: Observation, monitoring and communication networks Maintenance plan Computing facilities Capacity development Access to products from advanced Centre’s Limited Area Models Data processing and archival facilities Display facilities High speed Internet connectivity 8/20/2019
- A good example of a Hydrology GDPFS IGAD-HYCOS Project - A good example of a Hydrology GDPFS - Concept can be used to better connect hydrology and meteorology (e.g., in terms of operation and maintenance of stations, common database systems, common products ...).
Thank you. Asante sana. Shukran. 8/20/2019