Welcome to Timber Creek Kindergarten
Top 3 Things to Know about Mrs. Chaffee 3. 15TH year of teaching 2. Family 1. KU Graduates GO JAYHAWKS!
About Miss Fitzgerald 9th year teaching Graduate of Baker University Enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, and being outdoors. Loves working with children
About Miss Marshall 14th Year Teaching in BV Blue Valley Alum Taught K, 1st, and 2nd Graduate of Kansas State Love teaching and children!!!
About Mrs. Richardson 11th year teaching Kindergarten Blue Valley Alum Graduate of Kansas State Enjoys spending time with family and children!
Communication Timber Creek Main Line 239-7800 Email jchaffee@bluevalleyk12.org kfitzgerald@bluevalleyk12.org cmarshall@bluevalleyk12.org carichardson@bluevalleyk12.org Weekly Newsletter Go Folder – Daily
Behavior System Positive Reinforcement (verbal praise, sticker chart, candy jar, treasure box) Stop Light Green “Good to Go” Yellow “Warning, Slow Down” Red “Stop” Discuss your child’s Daily Choices
Reading Adopted Lead 21 series in 2012 (includes whole-group instruction, as well as both fiction and non-fiction little readers) Aligned with common core state standards Emphasizes research with guided inquiry projects Baggy Books and online readers will begin after 1st quarter
Math Adopted Envision math series (includes technology, hands-on manipulatives, centers, pre-tests and post-tests Aligned with the common core state standards Provides a much broader base knowledge of math topics and concepts PTA and Take Stock Funds allowed us to purchase numerous fun and engaging math games that reinforce the Envision math series!
Assessments Individual Assessment are continuous Progress Reports in September District Assessments Map Testing (Math & Reading) Grade Card Once a quarter Conferences October and February See District Web-site for dates
Homework Monthly Activity Calendars Baggie Books/Sight Words Filled with activities to help your child grow. Literacy, Math, Science, and Social Skills. Emailed home monthly Baggie Books/Sight Words
Other Activities and Items Library Make sure books are brought back Counselor (two-week rotation) Birthdays / see district approved list STAR Student Sheet sent home Friday before week Send in 5-7 pictures
Help Wanted Parent Volunteer Sign Up Hallway Helpers PTA Sign Ups Station Rotations (Apple Day, Pumpkin Day, 50th Day) 4 parents to help lead a small group activity
Class Donations Classroom Wish Lists Snack – students may bring a small, healthy individual snack each day. See peanut-safer snack list on TCE website. (goldfish, cheez-its, fruit, pretzels, graham crackers, etc.) Special Thematic items needed in the newsletter
**Morning Kindergarten has a different dismissal procedure.** Dismissal Procedures Car Riders: North or South (2 lines this year) Walkers: North or Meadows Bus Riders: Students will load busses at approximately 3:35 before car dismissal begins. (Please fill out how your child will consistently get home. We will make a “tag” that is attached to their backpack.) **Morning Kindergarten has a different dismissal procedure.**
“Not all students learn in the same way, or on the same day!”