Founder of Asher Carr International IGNITE THE FIRE Asher Carr Motivational Speaker Founder of Asher Carr International
Introduction of Speaker Motivational Speaker/Life Coach Asher Carr International Discover U International Former Financial Analyst Speaker for Teens and College Students Personal Development
Learning Objectives Establishing Success Habits Goal Setting with RRAFTing Mastering Your Craft Establishing a Proactive Mindset Leveraging the Power of Gratitude
Success Habits How long does it take for a habit to be established? 14 days 21 days 66 days 120 days
Success Habits Start the Day Before it Begins “Live life by design, not by default” Calendar Apps Get Your Morning S.A.V.E.R.S. Silence Affirmations Visualization Exercise Reading Scribing
Set The Target Write down your goals Short Term Goals Mid-Term Goals Long Term Goals Stop Settling “Our greatest fear should not be failure but at succeeding at things that don’t really matter” “You should set goals beyond your reach so you always have something to live for”- Ted Turner
SET THE TARGET What is the percentage of people who write their their goals? 33% 25% 1% 3%
R.R.A.F.T. YOUR GOALS RESULT: What do you want to accomplish? REASON: Why do you want to accomplish the result? ACTIONS: What do you have to do daily/weekly/monthly? FEEDBACK: What are your resources? THRILL: How will you celebrate?
MASTER YOUR CRAFT THE 3 E’s EXPERIENCE EVALUATE ENGAGE Experience “The only source of knowledge is EXPERIENCE”-Albert Einstein Evaluate “Happy people evaluate and improve themselves. Unhappy people evaluate and judge others” Engage “The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have”- Vince Lombardi
You Don’t Win Alone What are the chances of completing a goal with an accountability partner? 15% 95% 65% 30%
As a CPA or Person in Finance, What Are You Responsible For? Client Information Asset Management Bookkeeping Acting on BEHALF of YOUR CLIENT
As a Human Being, What Are You Responsible For? Family & Friends Positively Influencing Others Make Things Better Than You Found It Acting on BEHALF of YOUR FUTURE
“Be the Fiduciary of YOUR Future”
What is Your Suitability Rule? Recommendations that are consistent with YOUR needs and preferences Write down your values and live by them Evaluate your relationships Serve as many people as you can
Remember Your Roots
Gratitude Challenge Write down ONE thing you are grateful for each day this week