How many can you identify? AP US Govt. 3/28/19 If an issue is not explicitly stated in the Constitution, should it be left to the states OR federal courts to decide? (Explain AND provide an example) 8/24/2019
I. Types of Laws Statutory: Common Criminal Civil WRITTEN Precedent Stare Decisis Criminal Civil Breach of contract, malpractice 8/24/2019
II. Judicial Power is passive Casesto them (APPEAL) Bush v. Gore Standing Elk Grove Unified S.D. v. Newdow, 2003 8/24/2019
III. Judicial Law making Broadly-worded Interpretation = law making 8/24/2019
IV. Jurisdiction Exclusive: Concurrent: Original:- (FACTS) Appellate: 8/24/2019
V. Fed. Courts…(original jurisdiction) 3.2 Constitution Disputesstates US govtparty Ambassadors + Diplomats 8/24/2019
VI. Fed. Courts cont… Courts of Appeals District Courts: 90%fed cases Each State Trial jury Civil, Criminal, Constitutional Courts of Appeals 8/24/2019
VI. Fed Courts Supreme Court Courts of Appeals: 12 districts/circuits Jurisdiction Supreme Court MAP ON NEXT PAGE WASHINGTON = 9TH 8/24/2019
VI. Map of Federal Courts 8/24/2019