Chapter 18: Submitting a paper Introduction 18.1 Following the guidelines for authors 18.2 Selecting the journal 18.3 The refereeing process 18.4 Proofs 18.5 Seeing it in print 18.6 Conferences
Introduction Little point in doing research without publishing results Publishing in academic journal or presenting it at a conference enhances visibility of your work
18.1 Following the guidelines for authors Journals and CFPs have guidelines for authors Keep to limitations with respect to paper length, font and font size, paper size (note difference between A4 and Letter), margins, etc.
18.2 Selecting a journal Decide on a journal based on Topic of paper Audience of journal Research methods normally followed by authors in the journal Don’t submit qualitative work to a journal that only publishes empirical work Quality of research Timeliness of research Refereeing process Some are not refereed
18.3 The refereeing process Send to editor Get acknowledgement of receipt Wait Sometimes up to a year Blind review You don’t know who the referees are but they might know who you are. Double-blind review You don’t know who the referees are and they do not know who you are. Remove all references to your own work and that of your colleagues at the same institution Possible outcomes Accept unconditionally Accept with changes Resubmit Reject
18.4 Proofs Check proofs for type-setting errors You will have to pay for errors to be corrected that were originally your fault Copyright transfer form Page fees You are not paid for publishing in scientific journals, you have to pay to get it published.
18.5 Seeing it in print A rewarding experience Sometimes you get a complimentary copy of either the entire journal or at least the pages on which your article appear.
18.6 Conferences Submission basically the same as submission to a journal Turn-around time is shorter and according to fixed and tight schedule. After acceptance Submit camera-ready version of the paper for inclusion in the proceedings You will be expected to attend the conference and pay all expenses in doing so