Energy Calculations ∆Q = m x c x ∆θ
Winter surfing at the same latitude ! Newquay New York
Gulf Stream
Water has a high specific heat capacity. It takes a lot of heat (thermal) energy to heat up water and raise its temperature. Water can hold a lot of heat. Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat which raises the temperature of 1 kg of material by 10C. 1 kg of material Specific Heat Capacity (J/kg/0C) Copper 3800 Iron 4500 Granite 7000 Air 1010 Water
Energy Calculations ∆Q = m x c x ∆θ
∆ Q m x c x ∆θ
Calculating the specific heat capacity of water. c = ∆Q / m x ∆θ
Investigating c of water c = ∆Q / m x ∆θ
∆Q = m x c x ∆θ L5 Example Question 1 The specific heat capacity of water is 4182 J/kg 0C. Calculate the energy needed to heat 2kg of water from 10 to 600C. ∆Q = m x c x ∆θ
A brick fireplace
∆Q = m x c x ∆θ L5 Example Question 2 A brick has a specific heat capacity of 840 J/kg 0C. Calculate how much energy is needed to heat 320 kg of brick fireplace from 15 to 300C. ∆Q = m x c x ∆θ
Aluminium Pans
∆Q = m x c x ∆θ L5 Example Question 3 An Al pan has a specific heat capacity of 878 J/kg 0C. Calculate how much energy needed to heat a pan of 0.68 kg from 20 to 1600C. ∆Q = m x c x ∆θ
∆Q = m x c x ∆θ L6+ Example Question 4 112 500 J is transferred into a 0.5 kg block of metal. Its temperature is raised by 500C. What is the specific heat capacity of the metal and can you identify the metal ? ∆Q = m x c x ∆θ
L6+ Example Question 5 Brick has a specific heat capacity of 840 J/kg0C. Calculate how much energy the 800 kg heater in the picture stores when the bricks are 400C above the air temperature in the room ? Calculate the temperature change when 25 000 J of energy is transferred to 1 kg of brick ?