Étienne Saint-Pierre, Statistics Canada Obtaining Wide Support for Statistics Canada’s IBSP: a Key Task in the Project Plan UNECE - Work Session on Statistical Editing (Topic iii – Getting support of all people when implementing data editing) Étienne Saint-Pierre, Statistics Canada Paris, France, April 2014
Statistics Canada’s Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP) Major transformational project for business surveys aimed at: enhancing quality assurance achieving efficiencies improving responsiveness in the delivery of new programs Covers all statistical processes from sampling to estimation 120 surveys in 10 different programs to be integrated by 2017 annuals, sub-annuals, industry specific, economy wide will impact hundreds of employees New standardized data editing approach –Rolling Estimates Iterative production of estimates, quality indicators and micro-record scores Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Overview of the IBSP Rolling Estimates Approach Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
Culture Change - Challenges Strong belief in the uniqueness and non-standard nature of the program Fears that client needs will not be met Skepticism in regards to the success of the project Passive and active obstructionism Uncertainty as to the new roles and responsibilities Why change methods that have worked for decades? Validation of all micro data is essential for producing high quality estimates Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
Strong Governance and Clear Directions New Corporate Business Architecture (CBA) imposing: Decision-making process promoting tools, processes and systems serving corporate interest as opposed to local preferences Mandatory use of centralized services and the Business Register Effective communication strategy at the agency level Ongoing messages from the Chief Statistician and seniors managers on CBA objectives and progress Manager’s performance objectives developed to foster compliance to the new CBA Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
Engaging Program Managers Consultation processes prior to the development of the new model Solutions to reduce manual interventions Similarities and exceptions to be considered in the design of the IBSP model Validation of new operational model and the new data editing approach Program managers are members of the various IBSP Working Groups (Content and Collection, Metadata, Processing, Methodology) Senior managers of each program are on the IBSP Steering Committee Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
Deconstruction of Existing Methods and Processes Required a significant number of consultations Every step of current processes scrutinized in detail to assess: Relevance, efficiency and impact on the quality of the data IBSP compliant solutions developed by a multi-disciplinary team Adjusting parameters Different sequencing of the tasks Automating manual interventions Better usage of the options provided by the generalized systems Debunk the myth that surveys are too unique to be efficiently processed through the application of a standardized model Report detailing new operational model and strategies submitted to program manager for sign-off. Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
The Use of Proof-of-Concepts Large scale proof-of-concepts Simulation of the Rolling Estimates process for 50 or so surveys For 2 reference years Introduce analysts to the new editing approach Iterative production of estimates Quality indicators and micro-record impact scores Requirements for the Analytical tool Assess impact of the new methodologies Previous approach: 85% of domains of estimates reached their quality target Rolling estimates: 98% of domains of estimates reached their quality target Potential of 1/3 reduction in non-response follow-ups compared to current model Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
Communication Strategy Agency-wide information sessions Targeted information sessions by program Client satisfaction evaluations Communication strategy Decision-making process Governance structure Ability of the development team to understand needs Quarterly newsletters Document on “Key” decisions A comprehensive training program Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
Design Choice – High Degree of Vertical Integration Follow-ups Based on a list of priorities… …determined by quality indicators Quality Indica-tors Based on estimates and CV… …calculated via a generalized system (G-EST) from the output of E&I E&I Imputation of missing data via a generalized system (BANFF) from the output of… …Central Collection Services and Tax Data Division Collect-ion Data collected for units sampled using the generalized system (G-SAM)… …with frame information stored on the Business Register. Business Register Frame info updated via survey feedback from Collection and Subject Matter Areas All IBSP Surveys are hooked-up to the BR Processes supported by an integrated metadata framework Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
Conclusion Getting the buy-in from employees involved in the IBSP is essential to the success of the IBSP Significant efforts are dedicated to this task... ...which consists of a delicate balancing act. Getting partners involved Flexibility to survey specific needs Strong governance/ firm directions Standardized Processes / methods/ tools Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 18/08/2019
For more information, Pour plus d’information, please contact: veuillez contacter : Étienne Saint-Pierre 1-613-951-2025 Etienne.Saint-Pierre@statcan.gc.ca Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada