FY 2013 Second Budget Hearing Frank Spinelli September 4, 2012
Revenues General Fund $ 198,166,531 Special Revenue Fund $ 34,408,337 Capital Projects Fund $ 7,090,055 Other Revenues $ 393,159 Total Revenues $ 240,058,082 BRAC $ 65,000,000
Revenue by Source State $ 111,859,997 Federal $ 24,052,089 Local $ 100,733,216 Other Sources $ 3,412,780 Total Revenue $ 240,058,082
Revenues by Source
Highlights of State Funding Foundation $ 99,106,876 Transportation $ 3,680,143 Capital Purchase $ 5,115,308
Highlights of Federal Funding IDEA-B (Special Education) $ 4,997,500 Title I $ 6,024,642 Title II, Part A $ 1,110,304 CNP $ 7,850,572
Highlights of Local Funding District, Ad Valorem $ 36,856,020 District, Sales Tax $ 18,566,800 County, Ad Valorem $ 11,899,747 County, Sales Tax $ 8,599,001 TVA $ 6,500,000
Revenues FY 2012 vs. FY2013 FY 2012 FY 2013 $ VAR ØGeneral Fund $ 201,706,547 $ 198,166,531 $ (3,540,016) ØSpecial Revenue Fund 37,218,896 34,408,337 (2,810,559) ØCapital Projects Fund 8,086,332 7,090,055 (996,277) ØOther Revenues 699,955 393,159 (306,796) Total Revenues $ 247,711,730 $ 240,058,082 $ (7,653,648) ØBond Proceeds $ 80,000,000 $ 65,000,000 $ (15,000,000) ØState $ 112,898,413 $ 111,859,997 $ (1,038,416) ØFederal 24,027,487 24,052,089 24,602 ØLocal 108,302,297 100,733,216 (7,569,081) * ØOther Sources 2,483,533 3,412,780 929,247 ØTotal Revenue * Variance attributed to the inclusion of $9MM in debt forgiveness from local sources in FY 2012.
Expenditures General Fund $ 191,957,925 Special Revenue Fund $ 32,816,507 Capital Projects Fund $ 6,929,154 Other Expenditures $ 337,970 Total Expenditures $ 232,041,556 Capital Outlay $ 37,950,000
Expenditures Instruction/Instructional Support $ 175,398,224 Operations & Maintenance $ 23,373,971 Auxililiary Services $ 18,893,307 General Administrative $ 7,424,850 Other Uses $ 6,951,204 Total Expenditures $ 232,041,556 Capital Outlay $ 37,950,000
Expenditures FY 2012 vs. FY2013 FY 2012 FY 2013 $ VAR ØGeneral Fund $ 197,812,973 $ 191,957,925 $ 5,855,048 ØSpecial Revenue Fund 34,547,013 32,816,507 1,730,506 ØCapital Projects Fund 11,801,950 6,929,154 4,872,796 ØOther Expenditures 424,608 337,970 86,638 Total Expenditures $ 244,586,544 $ 232,041,556 $ 12,544,988 §Capital Outlay $ 35,568,400 $ 37,950,000 $ (2,381,600) ØInstruction/Instructional Support $ 174,783,549 $ 175,398,224 $ (614,675) ØOperations & Maintenance 31,632,332 23,373,971 8,258,361 ØAuxililiary Services 17,608,247 18,893,307 (1,285,060) ØGeneral Administrative 9,587,644 7,424,850 2,162,794 ØOther Uses 10,974,772 6,951,204 4,023,568 FY 2012 FY 2013 $ VAR ØGeneral Fund $ 197,812,973 $ 191,957,925 $ (5,855,048) ØSpecial Revenue Fund 34,547,013 32,816,507 (1,730,506) ØCapital Projects Fund 11,801,950 6,929,154 (4,872,796) ØOther Expenditures 424,608 337,970 (86,638) Total Expenditures $ 244,586,544 $ 232,041,556 $ (12,544,988) §Capital Outlay $ 35,568,400 $ 37,950,000 $ 2,381,600 ØInstruction/Instructional Support $ 174,783,549 $ 175,398,224 $ 614,675 ØOperations & Maintenance 31,632,332 23,373,971 (8,258,361) ØAuxililiary Services 17,608,247 18,893,307 1,285,060 ØGeneral Administrative 9,587,644 7,424,850 (2,162,794) ØOther Uses 10,974,772 6,951,204 (4,023,568)
Expenditure/ADM - HCS vs. ALSDE
Instructional - ARMT+ 2011 vs. 2012 Reading Scores 3rd Grade 13% Increase 4th Grade 2% Increase 5th Grade 15% Increase 6th Grade 5% Increase 7th Grade 5% Increase 8th Grade 5% Increase
Instructional - ARMT+ 2011 vs. 2012 Math Scores 3rd Grade No Change 4th Grade 25% Increase 5th Grade 1% Increase 6th Grade 1% Increase 7th Grade 6% Increase 8th Grade 4% Increase
Instructional - ARMT+ 2011 vs. 2012 Science Scores 5th Grade 26% Increase 7th Grade 9% Increase
Instructional - AYP School District achieved AYP for 2012-13 school year: AYP last achieved by District in 2008-09 Six Schools in school improvement in 2012 vs. eight in 2011 One School did not achieve AYP due to Special Education in 2012 vs. five in 2011
Instructional – AP Highlights 6% more AP courses offered in 2012 21% increase in student AP course enrollment 29% increase in student AP exams taken 32% increase in AP exams with passing scores The District is investing approximately $650,000 in pre-AP classes
General Fund Balance Current Year Dollars
General Fund Balance Share of Required Fund Balance in Reserve
General Fund Balance FY 2013 Yellow FY 2012 Red FY 2011 Green FY 2010 Purple $32M Improvement