A hurricane from space!
Our planet has… Airoxygen LIFE- plant, animal, & human Photo take by Apollo 17 Airoxygen LIFE- plant, animal, & human Land and Oceans 7 Continents 4 Oceans
Check out our world- at night!
Did you know… The Martian solar day is 24 hours 39 minutes 35 seconds long. This is the length of time that Mars takes to turn around once with respect to the sun. The Earth day of 24 hours is also a solar day.
Sunset on Mars A sunset on Mars creates a glow due to the presence of tiny dust particles in the atmosphere. This photo is a combination of four images taken by Mars Pathfinder, which landed on Mars in 1997. Image credit: NASA/JPL
Cool facts about Mars Mars has the largest volcanoes in the solar system. Mars has many of the kinds of surface features that are common on Earth. These include plains, canyons, volcanoes, valleys, gullies, and polar ice. But craters occur throughout the surface of Mars, while they are rare on Earth. In addition, fine-grained reddish dust covers almost all the Martian surface. Channels, valleys, and gullies occur in many regions of Mars, apparently as a result of water erosion. The most striking of these features are known as outflow channels. These channels can be as wide as 60 miles and as long as 1,200 miles. They appear to have been carved by enormous floods that rushed across the surface.
Mars Surface eyes-web-video An awesome video of the surface of mars- it makes a weird beep noise for 25 seconds at the beginning and then plays Picture above is a Rover on mars-
Spirit and Opportunity
Some cool MARS websites..hopefully they work!! rs/ Google Mars zoom in and out and see the surface of our neighbor planet. See the video below for how they dropped in Curiosity on Mars watch?v=X- iqwAt2Qmk&feature=youtu be_gdata *Dating rocks on Mars n_pages/mer/news/mer201 20124.html video showing opportunity rover deo/index.php?id=1001 Curiosity decent http://www.huffingtonpost. com/2012/08/07/mars- rover-landing-video- curiosity- descent_n_1750820.html
http://www. nasa. gov/multimedia/videogallery/index Curiosity update