“Developing an understanding of the Independent Foster Care Sector in Northern Ireland, through the perspectives of Independent Foster Carers, Independent.


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Presentation transcript:

“Developing an understanding of the Independent Foster Care Sector in Northern Ireland, through the perspectives of Independent Foster Carers, Independent Foster Care Agencies and other key professionals”

Research Aims and Rationale Research Aims and Rationale * Address the gap in knowledge and create a profile, in order to detail the contribution that independent foster care provides to the ‘care system’ in NI * To give foster carers, foster care agencies and other professionals within the independent foster care sector a voice for themselves; so that their experiences can be heard and included in research findings within foster care as an intervention.  * Promote the creation, improvement or continuance of good evidence informed practice and assist with professionalism

Proposed Methodology Questionnaires – Independent Foster Carers Focus groups – Independent Fostering Agencies Interviews – Other professionals involved in the sector

Data analysis and Interpretation Triangulated approach: Quantitative and Qualitative = to increase the level of knowledge about something and to strengthen the researcher's standpoint from various aspects

Ethical Considerations A draft protocol will be provided to Research Governance to enable a determination to be made regarding ORECNI approval and Trust governance requirements. An Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) workshop has previously been attended by the researcher; this will be updated as necessary. According to Cohen et al. (2007) there are also general ethical implications in carrying out research using questionnaires, focus groups and interviews. These are informed consent, privacy, anonymity, confidentiality, equality and storage of data. Privacy, anonymity and confidentiality will be assured as all data will be anonymised and all identifying details removed. No individual will be discriminated against in any way in the choosing of the sample or in the use of the data obtained, thus ensuring equality. It will be explained that data will be secured on an encrypted USB drive or computer hard drive to which only the researcher will have access.

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