New Plant Configuration Management Development and Implementation Process John Maciejewski INPO June 29, 2009 EN MRM Standardization Model
New Plant Configuration Management Development and Implementation Process Reasons for development: INPO AP-929 developed based on modifications/changes to an existing plant Extensive use of computer technology for new plant deployment Benchmarking international projects revealed significant use of computer technology in providing CM Recommendations from several CNO’s Use by other industries of relational databases to control information
Configuration management program attributes New Plant Configuration Management Development and Implementation Process Document sections: Configuration management program attributes Process description is for new plant deployment (not operation) Includes incorporating information needed for operation and a description of linking information using relational databases EN MRM Standardization Model
CM development starts early in the design phase New Plant Configuration Management Development and Implementation Process Concepts CM development starts early in the design phase Design is essentially complete prior to construction Computer technology is used extensively in design ( 3-D model, data bases) Computer technology supports development of a detailed design that can be built. The plant is built as designed. Changes are only made because of errors in design. EN MRM Standardization Model
CM attributes for pre-commercial operation New Plant Configuration Management Development and Implementation Process CM attributes for pre-commercial operation A listing of CM attributes for design and construction that will enable establishment of effective CM EN MRM Standardization Model
New Plant Configuration Management Development and Implementation Process Process elements: Determine CM scope and information Establish an electronic platform and standard format Electronically link related information Enter information into the computer Produce information for construction Build the plant per the design (correct errors only) Turnover the computer databases and physical plant to COL holder
New Plant Configuration Management Development and Implementation Process Using the component designator as the common relationship Using a common electronic platform/framework, design information can be linked electronically to the related components and other related information using the component designator. For example the component designator (e. g., MOV-XX) is the common relationship for relating information. Design information and information based on design information should be linked.
Summary An INPO document for new plant CM development and implementation is in preparation Concepts are based on CM lessons learned and recent benchmarking Incorporates computer technology as a tool for CM EN MRM Standardization Model
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