Venus By: Ryan B.
Introduction Hello, you will be learning about the planet Venus in my slide show. Today I will tell you the temperature range of Venus. The range from the sun and moon and much more!
Surface and Air The surface on Venus is dry and hard. It is compared to molten lead. With big volcanos so the air is very hot.
Temperature and Diameter The diametre on Venus is 12,104. The temperature on Venus is 872 to 893
Moons Venus has no moons.
Miles from Earth and Hours to spin around the Sun It takes Venus 243 days hours to spin around the on its axis once. Venus is 261 million kilometers from Earth.
Travel around Sun It takes 224.7 days to travel around the Sun. So that means that one year on Venus is 224.7 days.
Important Facts One of the tallest volcanoes on Venus is Maxwell Moans it is 7 miles tall!!! They are twins because of their size.