European Exploration of the North America
Changes In Europe 1100-1600 A.D. Christian Europeans sent large armies to the holy land (Modern Day Israel in the middle east), these military expeditions ultimately failed, but the Asian goods they brought back encouraged trade with other parts of the world, especially India, China, and Japan. The explorer Marco Polo’s writings of Asia intrigues Europe as well and encouraged an increase in trade.
Italy Dominates Trade Italian merchants soon began to dominate trade for Asian goods because of their position in the Mediterranean Sea. This encouraged the other European powers to seek other trade routes. Portugal started sailing around the southern tip of Africa to trade with India. Christopher Columbus believed he could sail west to reach Asia.
In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue… Sponsored by Spain Columbus “discovered” North America and changed the world forever. North and South America where soon claimed by European powers and the Native Americans where soon decimated by war and disease Europe saw its wealth and power increase tremendously because of the conquest, a power that last till this day.
The Columbian Exchange After Columbus, Europeans began exploring, colonizing and conquering North and South American. Because of this new things were introduced to the Americans and the old world. (Europe, Asia, and Africa) The Columbian Exchange includes plants, animals, and diseases between the old world and the new. Colonize: When a country sends a group of settlers to a place to control it.
So why did these countries want to Explore? First, countries wanted to spread Christianity Second, they wanted to expand their empire Third, they wanted greater wealth Or GOLD, GLORY, and GOD MERCANTILISM Colonies of Europeans where started to enrich European nations with gold and silver by acting as trading partners for the home country. This economic system was called Mercantilism.
Example of Mercantilism Spain trades $500 worth of sugar to France France trades $300 worth of cloth to Spain and $200 in gold and silver. Spain gets the gold and silver so it becomes richer.
Spanish Conquest in the New World Columbus conquers Hispaniola and enslaves the natives. Hernando Cortez conquers the Aztec in 1519. Mexico becomes New Spain. Francisco Pizarro conquers the Incas in Peru in 1525 Smallpox kills millions of Natives in the Americas. Coronado and others search for golden cities in North America but find nothing. This is important because Spain ignores most of North America due to lack of wealth which allows France and England to claim the land for themselves.
The English
Protestant Reformation By the 16th century, Western Europe had been under the religious control of the Catholic Church in Rome for around a thousand years. The Catholic Church is led by the Pope. Under him are Cardinals and Bishops. During this time period these positions were very powerful and some of the people who held them were corrupt. The Church itself was also very wealthy.
Luther-Lutheranism Calvin-Calvinism Religious leaders like the German Martin Luther and Frenchman John Calvin thought the Catholic Church had lost its way and no longer represented Christ. Luther-Lutheranism Calvin-Calvinism They “protested” against the Catholic Church and started a huge religious movement known as the Protestant Reformation. Protestant=Protester get it? John Calvin Martin Luther
Luther and others taught that you didn’t need to buy your way into heaven, but that it was a free gift given by the grace of God. He also translated the Bible to languages that people could read as before it had only been available in Latin.
The Protestant Reformation spread through the Europe like wildfire The Protestant Reformation spread through the Europe like wildfire. First found in rural France and Germany it soon spread to England, Netherlands, and soon the New World! In England Henry the VIII wanted a divorce from his Spanish wife Catherine of Aragon, so he embraced the Reformation and started the Church of England. This started a series of wars between Catholic nations like Spain and Protestant nations like England.
The Northwest Passage The discovery of the New World did not stop Europe’s desire to find a fast way to Asia. There was a belief that there was a “Northwest Passage” a water way through the northern part of North America that would lead to Asia. Early Explorers like Henry Hudson were sent to North America to look for the Northwest Passage. They did not know it at the time but the Northwest Passage does not exist.
Henry Hudson