Mnemonic Strategy to Remember The Characteristics of Life HER HAIR Mnemonic Strategy to Remember The Characteristics of Life By: Lisa Polito
I picked up my CELL phone
to call my HOMIE
to ask if he MET
the girl making Nike REPRODUCTIONS.
HER hair looked like
a VOLcano erupting.
Bet she couldn’t get a comb IN HER DEEP knotted ENDS
I asked how fast her hair GROWS,
but she didn’t RESPOND.
I picked up my CELL phone Cellular structure - all living things are made of one or more cells.
to call my HOMIE Homeostasis - all living organisms must maintain a stable internal environment in order to function properly Not too hot, not too cold, not too dry… balanced.
to ask if he MET Metabolism - chemical reactions carried out by living organisms Eating, digesting, breathing, excreting…
the girl making Nike REPRODUCTIONS. Reproduction - all living organisms can make more of their own kind from one generation to the next.
HER hair looked like Heredity - all living things are able to pass on traits to their offspring through genes that pass from parent to offspring each generation.
a VOLcano erupting. Evolution - change in a species over generations.
Bet she couldn’t get a comb IN HER DEEP knotted ENDS Interdependence - organisms live and interact with other organisms. Every living thing needs resources from its surroundings (food, water, air, mates, shelter…)
I asked how fast her hair GROWS, Growth and Development - Every living thing increases in size and changes within their lifetime.
but she didn’t RESPOND. Responsiveness - Living things sense and react to their environment. Movement, chemical production, etc…
9 Characteristics of Life Review: Cellular Structure Homeostasis Metabolism Reproduction Heredity Evolution Interdependence Growth & Development Responsiveness