I think the following make a business successful: What makes a business successful? I think the following make a business successful: A product or service that customers want A product or service you can sell at a price customers can afford Being able to make a profit Using the knowledge and skill you have Gaining skill and expertise to use benefit the business Resources and money you are able to invest
Research four different businesses in the local area Research four different businesses in the local area. Describe the businesses and the features that make them successful (a feature is a distinctive characteristic of a good or service that sets it apart from similar items)? Primark: Primark is a large clothes retail store which has many locations around the UK. Its main feature is it sells high end fashion at low prices to its customers. My Cafe:..... My Car garage:..... My Supermarket:..... My Newsagents:.......
You need to select two of the previous businesses and identify the similarities and differences. Also, identify the features, strengths and weaknesses. Use the table below: Primark Kwik Fit Features Sells female and male clothes at low prices. Sells products for cars and also provides a service for car maintenance. Strengths Achieving economies of scale. High market share. Flexibility of production. Distribution network. Brand reputation. Employee skills Weaknesses Poor relationships with your employees. Manager inexperience. Weak or unrecognizable image. Weak or unrecognizable brand. Marketing failing to meet objectives. Low innovative skills. Similarities/Differences Both are large popular companies across the united kingdom which sell products. However, Kwik fit also provide a service and are known to be one of the more expensive car garages. Whereas, Primark are know to be one of the more affordable clothes retailers.
list of different business ideas suitable for your local area list of different business ideas suitable for your local area. Each idea should include information on: The product/service Its features and benefits Why is there a demand The target customers Competition How would you market it Resources needed (equipment, skills & expertise) Are there legal aspects that need to be considered
Select one of your ideas and provide a full explanation of how that idea will meet the needs of the targeted customers. You need to then explain why you think the idea is likely to succeed in relation to similar business.
Useful Websites http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/200730 http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/relysup-268565-start-successful-small-business-ideas-scale-swot-entrepreneur-product-training-manuals-ppt-powerpoint/ http://www.startups.co.uk/startups-100-2012.html http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/38409.html http://www.tutor2u.net/business/strategy/swot_strengths.html http://www.whatmakesagoodleader.com/swot_weakness.html