Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys: On Road Option LLF 17th March 2017
October 2016 What did this Board decision mean? Officers looked at the City Deal and stated policy objectives of the local councils Officers summarised the early work done on the route options Officers recommended that there was reason to consider further the best quality public transport scheme between Cambourne and Cambridge The best public transport scheme was considered to be in principle a segregated bus way between Cambourne and Cambridge However such a scheme needed to be fully assessed in order to see if a business case in the public interest existed for it That full assessment would include further analysis and consultation on specific route alignments This is a summary of the Shortlisted options in these areas
The ‘on road option’ The October 2016 report included the following (para 75) In line with TAG (DfT) guidance, it will be necessary to continue to develop a lower cost option for comparative purposes to inform further decision that the City Deal Executive Board will be required to consider. As such Option 1 (on line option) will also continue to be assessed but not included in further consultation.
What does this mean? An ‘on road’ option WILL be fully assessed in its own right The ‘on road’ option informs the business case assessment for the Option 3/3a An on road option could A) Out perform Option 3/3a B) Be as good as Option 3/3a C) Be slightly less good than Option 3/3a D) Be a lot less good than Option 3/3a The business case will balance these considerations as part of the ‘5 cases’ assessment in line with DfT guidance
Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys – Option 1 Option 1 Improvement to bus services, which will run along existing roads. No bus priority is proposed on the existing A428 dual carriageway. Signalisation of Madingley Mulch roundabout Eastbound bus lanes from Madingley Mulch roundabout to Lady Margaret Road.
Option 1 17/03/2017
Option 1 American cemetery access 17/03/2017
Option 1 Break for Cambridge Road junction Carriageway realigned 17/03/2017
Option 1 Bus gate 17/03/2017
Option 1 – M11 Bus Gate 17/03/2017
Option 1 – Junctions around M11 17/03/2017
Option 1 17/03/2017
Option 1 17/03/2017
Option 1 Priority at Grange Road junction Bus gate 17/03/2017
Option 1 Low cost compared with other options 1 2 3 4 Near-side lane may be used by cyclists Minimal disruption during construction Conflict with vehicles accessing properties Minimal land purchase required No physical segregation from general traffic so open to abuse Flexible - can be implemented in sections where needed Bus priority in one direction, AM benefits only 17/03/2017
Option 6 17/03/2017
Option 6 Tidal Direction of traffic flow can be changed dependant upon demand Regular gantries required, as shown Lack of similar tidal bus lanes nationally Type approval may be required 17/03/2017
Option 6 Bus priority in both directions 1 2 3 4 Gantry's will give the route a more urban feel Less likely to be used by cyclists than a near side bus lane No physical segregation from general traffic so open to abuse No conflict at property accesses if centrally located If located centrally, more disruption during construction and unable to access bus stops Direction of flow can be altered to suit demand Additional signal controlled junctions required 17/03/2017
Citi 4 – Existing Services and Journey Times Cambourne Hardwick Inglewood (Madingley Mulch) Cambridge West Drummer Street AM PEAK 44 Minutes Cambourne Hardwick Inglewood (Madingley Mulch) Cambridge West Drummer Street OFF PEAK 27 Minutes 17/03/2017
Option 1 – Services and Journey Times Cambourne Bourn Hardwick Madingley Mulch Park & Ride Cambridge West Drummer Street AM PEAK - STOPPING SERVICE 31 Minutes Madingley Mulch Park & Ride Cambridge West Drummer Street AM PEAK - PARK AND RIDE SERVICE 18 Minutes 17/03/2017
Scotland Road Park and Ride Option 6 – Services and Journey Times Cambourne Cambridge West Drummer Street AM PEAK - EXPRESS SERVICE 27 Minutes Cambourne Scotland Road Park and Ride Hardwick Cambridge West Drummer Street AM PEAK STOPPING SERVICE 41 Minutes 17/03/2017