Technology for a new Meteorological Monitoring Strategy By: David FARHI – Envitech Ltd.
Typical Automatic Monitoring System Meteorological data is measured at many locations using a variety of data collection devices. The Typical AMS data collection process involves initiating a communication link with a field device using telephone lines. The Central data collection site detects that it is time to get data, initiates a call, waits for a connection and issues a data request for the field device. At the remote site the request is decoded and the device packages up a response.
Enhanced Real Time delivery of data Significant benefits accrue in the Envitech TCP/IP data collection network design: High Speed, simultaneous data collection from all nodes. Event based (Alert) messages, Continues reporting during episodes and other events. Long distance charge eliminated, a connection to local Internet Service Provider is used. Rich data sets, PC Based data acquisition can support cameras and other visibility devices. Real Time Information, PC based DASs host their on web sites for data presentation, diagnostic and reporting. Universal Inter-Network data exchange, any organizations could subscribe to receive data from any site.
Enview2000 ARM Network Structure
PC-Based Advanced Meteorological Monitoring Site Overview of EnvidasFW PC Based Meteorological Data Acquisition Software: Multi tasking software – Running under XP Pro. or Embedded. Connection with Enview2000 Air Resources Manager Central system via TCP/IP, ADSL, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, GSM CDMA, Satellite, Telephone, Radio and Leased Lines. Handles up to 64 Inputs channels. Communicate with Smart Sensors via RS232C, RS485, USB and TCP/IP. Microsoft SQL Server local data base. Enhanced QA tools by range and digital monitor status checking. User definable alerts and immediate transmission to the Central by using ASCII or Binary messages over TCP/IP via ADSL/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS Network and/or directly to the user by SMS messages. Complete Remote Access to EnvidasFW PC and smart sensors by using XP Remote Access, PC Anywhere, Go2MyPC, EnvidasOnLine etc…
EnvidasFW Structure Diagram
Data Acquisition PCs
Enhanced QA
Complete Solution with Enview2000 ARM Open System Architecture. Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 and ORACLE 9i/10g Data Base support. Microsoft 2000/2003 and Linux/Unix Server Support. Smart Client and Client/Server Win forms Application. Internet and Intranet application. GIS and Mapping integration.