APT1 palmitoylation and localization. APT1 palmitoylation and localization. A, Representative blot: order of lanes from left to right are young, RG, and RB. A, Palmitoylation of APT1 increased with age in frontal cortex, but not in the hippocampus from Study 1. B, APT1 expression increased in the TxS and S2 fractions from hippocampus of old mice from Study 2. C, Total APT1 protein increased with age in the frontal cortex and hippocampus. *p < 0.05 for difference from young (ANOVA and Fisher’s PLSD). N = 3–11. Data are the mean ± SEM. F, Frontal cortex; H, hippocampus. Daniel R. Zamzow et al. eNeuro 2019;6:ENEURO.0310-18.2019 ©2019 by Society for Neuroscience