Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence A.K.A. Body Smart!
We are Body Smart when we… Are highly coordinated. Use gestures and body language. Take things apart and fix them. Learn through “hands-on” activities.
We are Body Smart when we… Enjoy acting and role-playing. Enjoy dancing and athletics. Move with grace and coordination. Act and Mimic. Enjoy movement.
We are Body Smart when we… Process information through bodily sensations. Use and understand gestures and body language. Communicate information by modeling.
We are Body Smart when we… Touch people when we talk. Appreciate athletic performances. Play sports. Dance and choreograph. Benefit when movements are used to symbolize content.
We are good at… Dancing Athletics Acting Using our body in highly differentiated and skilled ways. Thinking in gestures, movements, and body language.
People who put their body smarts to work include… Athletes Surgeons Dancers Carpenters Gymnasts