College of Social Sciences Professional Services Review Project Values Focus Group Welcome to the Values workshop Thank you Your input will be valuable - INTRODUCTIONS
Purpose of session Give you an overview and an understanding of the project. Use your experience to define what the values mean in practice and to identify how we can embed them into our work. For your views, in conjunction with those from across the focus groups, to inform next steps Purpose is to understand: Give you an overview of the project Use your experience to define what the values mean in real terms Identify how we can embed them in our work Your feedback will inform next steps and shape implementation
Initial Work Stream Recommendations For further engagement, academic and Professional Services staff drafted: An expectations framework. A CoSS vision and plan for developing values. Ideas for better career progression and development. A plan to review and standardise key processes. VC Review 2016 – recommendations Encourage cross-college working, improve resilience and flexibility Improve career development opportunities 6 work streams drafted: Expectations framework CoSS vision and a plan for values A plan for career progression and a plan to review processes
What will be different? Streamlined processes A school and college identity Cross-college support Clarity around expectations Progression opportunities Cross-college working Shared vision and values Streamlined processes Initial recommendations will help us to achieve: Clarity around expectations Cross-college working Streamlined processes Shared vision and values Better alignment of Professional Services
Next steps… Broad engagement with all staff to add detail and shape implementation of the initial recommendations. - Focus groups taking place from March 23rd. Working groups to review core processes and build on good practice / improve consistency and efficiency. Champions group and ongoing communications Broad engagement – focus groups, attending local meetings Working with smaller focused groups – to review processes Champions – engage with staff through the champions group
Desired outcomes Clear senior ownership of strategic activity (Education, Research, Influence, Resources). Standardise key processes to enable efficiency and to free capacity. Begin to develop a shared culture recognising this will take time to embed. Create a clear expectations framework and career progression strategy. Desired outcomes Standardise key processes Align CoSS to the strategic framework Create a clear expectations framework Develop a shared culture – can do this by defining our values
What do we mean by Values? Values are a shared set of standards, behaviours, principles and beliefs which guides the way in which we do things and how we choose to interact with others. The way we do things Shared beliefs and principles Guides how we interact with others Shared ethics Standards of behaviour
Values - Recommendations Rather than develop a set of “CoSS only” values, we will define what the University values mean to us and will work to embed these in everything that we do Excellence Leadership Pioneering Spirit Purposefulness Pragmatism Broad engagement on how the University values translate into what we do day to day and our behaviours.
Values - Recommendations Leadership We shape our own future and support the success of others. Excellence We have the highest standards and know we can always be better. Pioneering Spirit We enjoy being first to do things and we take calculated risks. Purposefulness We know our strengths, focus on our goals, and face adversity with resilience and persistence. Pragmatism We are well-grounded and focus on tackling and solving problems. - Use the university’s values already established - Broad engagement on how the University values translate into what we do day to day and our behaviours.
Ground rules No right or wrong answers Stick to values Everyone has their say Be honest and constructive Allocate Groups
Activity 1 Use GREEN post-its Individually – capture what behaviours demonstrate the value on your table, use examples where possible. Then as a group - discuss what has been captured and narrow it down into an agreed series of statements as to: What this value means to you? What behaviours should CoSS be looking for to enable this value, to bring it to life? What behaviours would you associate with this value? 10 mins activity 5 mins feedback Place in groups from the beginning. Feedback - What is the essence of the value? What value do you have? What does this value mean to you and what behaviours would you associate with it?
Activity 2 Use PINK post-its Using the statements captured identify: What behaviours undermine these values? What behaviours do you think will mean the values are not being upheld or implemented? What are the barriers to achieving these values? 15 mins What behaviours undermine this value? What behaviours do you think will mean the value is not being upheld or implemented? What are the barriers to achieving it?
Activity 3 Use YELLOW post-its Using the statements captured identify: What are the tangible things that can be done to embed these values (e.g. PDRs)? What else can we use? How can we practically encourage people to uphold these values? What are the practical solutions to overcome the identified barriers? What else can we do? Please refer to intangible ideas on activity sheet 15 mins What would encourage or support the value and associated positive behaviours? What can be done to embed the value to encourage people to exhibit this type of behaviour (e.g. PDRs)?
Activity - Feedback Representative from each group to feedback on: Biggest barrier to achieving the values Greatest lever to enable them 10 mins
What’s next? Hosting further focus groups around Values and Expectations. Consolidate information: Feedback to Project Oversight Group Create implementation plan Feedback session in June Leave session feedback
Thank you Session feedback Contact us: - Subina Begum, Project Officer, - Angela Storer, Change Manager,