Plan of Action-IV Meeting of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development Septiembre 2017 February, 2019.


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Presentation transcript:

Plan of Action-IV Meeting of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development Septiembre 2017 February, 2019

Draft Plan of Action of Guatemala 2019 To implement the commitments assumed in the declaration adopted at the IV REMDES Through specific actions that will help organize member states’ undertakings toward the construction of an Inter-American Agenda for Social Development Objective in accordance with the key topics and priorities adopted at the IV REMDES Working Groups will be created in order to determine specific activities 1 2 3 Multidimensional Poverty and Public Measurements of Multidimensional poverty and the design of public policies intended to guarantee well being and the enjoyment of a good quality of life Social protection systems to reduce poverty and inequality in all their dimensions and to expand social protection with a comprehensive approach Partnerships, funding, and strengthening hemispheric cooperation &technical assistance through the Inter-American Social Protection Network (IASPN)

Plan of Action - Towards an Inter-American Agenda for Social Development-Objectives 1 2 Provide Member States with a framework to guide policy dialogue Prioritize lines of action to guide cooperation in Social Development 3 4 Organize cooperative activities between Member States around the priorities identified Generate appropriation by the Ministries of Social Development to guide political dialogue and cooperation 5 Promote synergies & coordination with other entities and mechanisms This Agenda would be promoted under the leadership of CIDES, with the support of the Technical Secretariat of the Ministerial Process, in close coordination with other intergovernmental and regional organizations

Proposal of Potential Lines of Work Line of Work 1 Measurements of Multidimensional Poverty & the design of public policies intended to guarantee well-being and the enjoyment Objective Strengthen the capacities of Member States with the implementation of multidimensional poverty measurements and their application in public policies

Proposed Activities Publish a compendium on the region's experiences in the use of multidimensional poverty measures for the design and review of public policies on the subject Conduct a Second Workshop on "Multidimensional Poverty Indices: Good Practices and Lessons Learned from the Americas and Europe". (Background 2013) Sub-regional workshop to follow up the progress made by some Caribbean countries, namely: Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Kitts and Nevis on the creation of MPIs (Background February 2018) Publication on measurements of poverty and the multidimensional poverty situation of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (PcD, Afro-descendants and indigenous people) in alliance with key institutions. Facilitate South-South cooperation exchanges (3, 1 per year) between teams leading the design and implementation of poverty measurement policies.

Line of Work-2 Objective Social protection systems to reduce poverty and inequality in all their dimensions and to expand social protection with a comprehensive approach Objective Strengthen the capacities of Member States in the implementation of public social protection policies

2nd phase of the "Bridge in the Caribbean" programme Proposed activities 2nd Edition of the "Diploma in Social Protection in the Americas", in cooperation with the PUC of Chile and its English language version in cooperation with the University of the Wes Indies 2nd phase of the "Bridge in the Caribbean" programme Design and conduct a workshop on "Social protection tools to address the particular vulnerabilities of migrants" in partnership with UNHCR and others Take advantage of the experience of previous projects, replicate with other member states the implementation f Participatory Gender Diagnostics within the Ministries of Social Development, in collaboration with the CIM & UN WOMEN

Line of Work 3 Partnerships, funding, and strengthening hemispheric cooperation &technical assistance through the Inter-American Social Protection Network (IASPN) Objective Strengthen hemispheric cooperation to combat poverty and inequality through the IASPN

Dissemination of activities through monthly bulletins Proposed activities Update the IASPN contacts database with the list of Authorities of the Ministries of Social Development of the region and contact information at the technical level of their offices of Cooperation and International Relations Create a virtual dialogue space between the technical/focal points of the Ministries of Social Development or its equivalent to follow up on the commitments of the REMDES Development of a database of cooperation requests and offers from the social development ministries to promote the exchange of experiences among countries (South-South and triangular) Development of a process for presenting proposals to facilitate cooperation among the countries’ social development agencies Inclusion, within the IASPN, of a description of the methodology and proceedings of exchanges of experiences and peer-to-peer technical cooperation from the region’s social development ministries and institutions Dissemination of activities through monthly bulletins

Functioning of Working Groups Measurements of multidimensional poverty & the design of public policies intended to guarantee well-being and the enjoyment of a good quality of life Working Group 1 Working Group 2 Social protection systems to reduce poverty and inequality in all their dimensions and to expand social protection with a comprehensive approach Working Group 3 Partnerships, funding, and strengthening hemispheric cooperation &technical assistance through the Inter-American Social Protection Network (IASPN) Functioning Groups coordinated by Ministers and High Level Authorities of Social Development 1 Chair 1 Vice Chair

Functioning of Working Groups Technical Secretariat The working groups will be coordinated by the representatives of Ministries and High Level Authorities elected at the IV Ministerial Meeting in Guatemala Working Groups the Department of Social Inclusion of the OAS, as the Technical Secretariat, will provide Working Groups with support for organizing their meetings, preparing technical inputs, and producing activity and follow-up reports Technical Secretariat The corresponding authorities will appoint officers from the relevant technical areas to follow up on each working group’s technical work, and those officers will serve as focal points for communications and for carrying out the activities defined in the Work Plan

Deadline for preliminary comments on to the Work Plan Comments from Members States to Plan of Action The Technical Secretariat will receive preliminary comments from Member States in order to distribute a revised versión prior to the Ministerial Meeting CIDES authorities propose a 30 day period from this date for Member States to submit preliminary comments Deadline

Jorge Lomonaco Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the OAS