Answers to Japanese Feudalism Questions The “F” word you can say in Global
How did Japan’s geographic setting contribute to its development? Japan’s geography largely affected how people lived and how Japan developed. The land in Japan is very mountainous and difficult to farm. Most of the population lives in narrow river valleys or along the coast. The mountains have also acted as a barrier to political unity. Being an island surrounded by the sea, their main source of food came from the sea. The sea was a protection from invaders as well. Lastly, Japan faces many earth quakes and tidal waves. There are also many volcanoes. This unsettled environment has resulted in a deep respect for nature, which resulted in the belief of Shintoism. Tsunami
Japanese culture has borrowed a lot from China and Korea Japanese culture has borrowed a lot from China and Korea. Korea often acted a s a bridge between China and Japan. Around the year 600, a Japanese ruler sent nobles to study in China. The Japanese blended the best of China with their own traditions. The Chinese system of writing, Buddhism, Confucianism and the ideas of proper behavior and social order were all brought to Japan from China and Korea. Japanese courts also adopted Chinese customs such as tea drinking, Chinese music, dancing and gardening.
In the 1100’s the emperor’s power in Japan declined In the 1100’s the emperor’s power in Japan declined. Local warlords began battling for land. This is when feudal society emerged. Under Japanese feudalism, the emperor did not have true power. The Shogun had the real power. He set up dynasties called shogunates and was a top military commander. The Daimyo were lords who were given land by the shogun. The daimyo promised to support the shogun with their military. Samurai (those who serve) were lesser warriors who were given land by the daimyo. The samurai followed a code of bushido where they promised to be loyal, brave, and honorable to their higher lord. Peasants farmed the land, and artisans made weapons. For their services they were protected by the samurai.
Japanese culture and economy flourished during the later feudal age Japanese culture and economy flourished during the later feudal age. In 1603, the Tokugawa shogunate came to power and brought peace and stability to Japan for 300 years. They centralized the government and stopped fighting among powerful daimyo by forcing them to live in the capital. New seeds, tools, and techniques allowed farmers to grow more food. The population grew, and towns were linked by roads. Trade increased. They restricted foreign trade and the internal trade boomed.