Knowledge Representation a) There are no crazy UMB students. x (UMBStudent(x) Crazy(x)) b) All computer scientists are either rich or crazy, but not both. x (CS(x) [Rich(x) Crazy(x)] [Rich(x) Crazy(x)] ) c) All UMB students except one are intelligent. x (UMBStudent(x) Intelligent(x)) x,y (UMBStudent(x) UMBStudent(y) Identical(x, y) Intelligent(x) Intelligent(y)) d) Jerry and Betty have the same friends. x ([Friends(Betty, x) Friends(Jerry, x)] [Friends(Jerry, x) Friends(Betty, x)]) e) No mouse is bigger than an elephant. x,y (Mouse(x) Elephant(y) BiggerThan(x, y)) October 18, 2018 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Lecture 14: Knowledge Representation & Reasoning III
Rules of Inference x P(x) Universal instantiation __________ P(c) if cU Universal instantiation P(c) for an arbitrary cU ___________________ x P(x) Universal generalization x P(x) ______________________ P(c) for some element cU Existential instantiation P(c) for some element cU ____________________ x P(x) Existential generalization October 18, 2018 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Lecture 14: Knowledge Representation & Reasoning III
Rules of Inference Example: Every UMB student is a genius. George is a UMB student. Therefore, George is a genius. U(x): “x is a UMB student.” G(x): “x is a genius.” October 18, 2018 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Lecture 14: Knowledge Representation & Reasoning III
Rules of Inference The following steps are used in the argument: Step 1: x (U(x) G(x)) Hypothesis Step 2: U(George) G(George) Univ. instantiation using Step 1 Step 3: U(George) Hypothesis Step 4: G(George) Modus ponens using Steps 2 & 3 x P(x) __________ P(c) if cU Universal instantiation October 18, 2018 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Lecture 14: Knowledge Representation & Reasoning III