Saving Wild Species AP Env Sci 2011-2012
Wild Turkey
Wild Turkey Hunted to the brink of extinction By 1930s – comeback due to hunting restrictions About 30000 individuals in 1930s More than 5 million today Hunting can have positive aspects: Fees Preserve game (obviously…) Controlling number of species – less starvation
Backyard Menagerie Roadkill Exceeds numbers killed by hunters 200+ human deaths Many more animal deaths Nuisance animals thriving Skunks, raccoons, etc Deer (lyme disease) Raccoons, etc (rabies) Lack of predators Unfeasible to hunt in public parks Starvation is not good option People/animal interactions Cougars, bears, alligators Human deaths, animal deaths
Coyote Versatile predator Found in all US States Eat deer, garbage, etc Can attack small children
Canada Geese
Canada Geese Suburban parks, lawns, golf courses Protected by law Few predators Obvious waste problem Be careful on the D&R canal towpath…
Acts Protecting Endangered Species Lacey Act (early 1900s) Forbids interstate commerce in illegally killed wildlife Egrets benefit US Fish and Wildlife Services can charge individuals 2004: over 9600 violations investigated
Endangered Species Act 1973/1988 Endangered vs. Threatened When species recognized, fines for: Hunting, trapping, etc Uprooting Habitat modification Commerce (world) FWS or NOAA
How Does a Species Get Designated? Listing by agency or petition from individuals. Based on factual information. Critical Habitat. With the species listed, designate where it can be found. Recovery Plans. Agency must develop recovery plans for species There is a backlog of “candidate species” waiting About 13 species have recovered over the years
Success Story: Peregrine Falcon DDT issue 1975: 324 pairs Captive breeding More than 8000-10000 pairs now Recently removed from list
Possible Success Story: Whooping Crane 14 individuals in 1939 More than 300 individuals today Migrates from Texas Gulf Coast to Canada
Uncertain: Spotted Owl Threatened not endangered 4000-6000 as of 1990 Timber industry resistance
If you want to know status, start with Wikipedia Conservatiostatus Vulnrable (IUCN3.1)[1] If you want to know status, start with Wikipedia
Conflict Between Use and Preservation: Klamath Habitat under pressure Klamath River supplies water for irrigation and for Klamath Lake Two endangered fish species in the lake, threatened salmon in the river “Fish vs. People” 2002: Water for irrigation -> damage to salmon Recognition of problem: Federal Working Group 2005: New funding for wetland restoration