MAES discussion note An analytical framework for ecosystem assessments under Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020.


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Presentation transcript:

MAES discussion note An analytical framework for ecosystem assessments under Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020

Objectives to operationalize the current information and scientific knowledge available on ecosystems and their services in Europe to develop an analytical framework with the aim to ensure consistency in mapping and assessment approaches across Member States

Requirements address the policy questions build on the outcomes of the major initiatives make maximum use of ongoing reporting obligations and funded research sufficiently flexible/compatible to accomodate results from ongoing and future assessments underpin other actions of the biodiversity strategy and the EU policies spatially explicit

Work structure along the lines, columns and cells of a Rubicode matrix columns: typology of ecosystems  Proposal I and II rows: typology of services  Proposal III (CICES) cells: assessment of ecosystems and mapping of services  Proposal IV and V

Biophysical structure or process Limit pressures via policy action? The relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem function and human well-being Biophysical structure or process (e.g. woodland habitat or net primary productivity ) Service (e.g. flood protection, or harvestable products) Function (e.g. slow passage of water, or biomass) Benefit (e.g. contribution to aspects of well-being such as health and safety) Σ Pressures Limit pressures via policy action? Value (e.g. willingness to pay for woodland protection or for more woodland, or harvestable products) Source: Potschin, M. and R. Haines-Young (2011): Ecosystem Services: Exploring a geographical perspective. Progress in Physical Geography 35(5): 575-594. - Adapted after: Haines-Young, R. & Potschin, M. (2010): The links between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. In: Raffaelli, D. & C. Frid (eds.): Ecosystem Ecology: a new synthesis. BES Ecological Reviews Series, CUP, Cambridge, p.110-139.

Comments Critical review of the conceptual framework is needed, better linked to the policy questions More attention should go to marine ecosystems and their services Little response/few comments on the proposals of the paper