Transport and HIV/AIDS recent DFID activity Peter Roberts, Senior Infrastructure Adviser Rachel Yates, Senior Social Dev Adviser 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS DFID and HIV/AIDS DFID has for many years given high priority to the challenge of rolling back HIV/AIDS: Contribute to global programmes and international agencies Support bilateral interventions Encourage mainstreaming in relevant sectors Strong response from the Infrastructure Sectors (particularly Construction and Transport Constrained by reduced bilateral emphasis > supporting multilateral activity in infrastructure 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS DFID and HIV/AIDS 1996 DFID started innovative support in India leading to the Healthy Highways programme drawing government and industry attention to AIDS transmission Considerable recent field experience: examples here from Africa – thanks to many from country teams who shared information frankly at short notice 2006 DFID membership of Joint Initiative for Infrastructure Against AIDS Signed by ‘Minouche’ – now Permanent Secretary 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Democratic Republic of Congo existing road projects: Rural roads near Kabinda town, south central DRC: £4m through Belgium Technical Cooperation. Over 800km of rural roads rehabilitation now finishing. HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention measures included - success unclear as monitoring was not sufficient. Kisangani-Kindu road link: £4.62m road rehabilitation and maintenance implemented through UNOPS. HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention programme - problems identifying baseline and monitoring so difficult to assess impact. 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Democratic Republic of Congo PRO-ROUTES: Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance programme: 10 year multi-donor trust fund to re-open the majority of the national road network Scoping study for HIV/AIDS services four main groupings affected by road-building: people employed in building and maintaining infrastructure; those who work in the roads services; professionals engaged in the management of the sector; communities/passengers. 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS Lesotho Likalaneng – Thaba Tseka Road Upgrading (31 km) : Pre-Contract, Supervision and Post-Contract Services WSP Coordinator; CARE Social Dev Specialist - cascade approach Construction Supervision Services including Gender Mainstreaming and Promotion of Awareness and Mitigation of HIV/Aids preparation of Guidelines/Procedures relating to the Gender Mainstreaming and HIV/AIDS issues for used by the Roads Branch on future projects. 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS Mozambique Unidade de Assuntos Sociais e Meio Ambiente (UASMA - Social and Environmental Unit): responsible to mainstream HIV/AIDS in the Roads Sector major lessons from implementation are: Weak mobilization and involvement of the leaderships Weak advocacy initiatives Lack of mobilization and education on Voluntary and Counselling Test Isolated/ inconsistent interventions for behaviour change Lack of a effective Monitoring and Evaluation mechanism Weak supervision, support and mobilization These issues have been dealt with through improved coordination and technical capacity of staff working on HIV/AIDS 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS Mozambique Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Project – 2: sector budget support Includes assistance for the government to: support efforts to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and improve road safety Implement agreed HIV/AIDS prevention measures related to the road sector 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS Nigeria Ekiti Rural Access Programme (ERAP): rehabilitate and maintain 900km of rural roads in 6 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the State (£3.1m for 2 years) Establish a mechanism for raising awareness about HIV/AIDS with communities, contractors and transport operators (added during programme) positive results from awareness campaigns and sensitisation workshops - participant interest in VCT and other HIV services. Targeting decision-makers was strategic PCR found “strong demonstration of HIV/ AIDS mainstreaming” - “HIV awareness had been raised, resulting in less stigmatization and further assistance requested by other [non-project] communities” 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS South Africa One Stop Border Post (OSBP) programme: well under way integrated HIV throughout the programme, inc the provision of Wellness Clinics Regional Trade Facilitation Programme - Transport Corridors - recently approved Truck drivers and communities at border post are identified as vulnerable populations Wellness Clinics will focus principally on preventive services 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS CARE in Lesotho Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division, University of Natal, Durban USAID Bureau for Africa, Office of Sustainable Development World Bank: country and regional experience International Transport Workers’ Federation: Global campaign – affiliates in nearly 150 countries 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS DFID does not have standardised checklists for appraising infrastructure programmes from an HIV/AIDS perspective Country programmes address AIDS issues but some could improve opportunities to be more systematic in designing infrastructure programmes taking into account how: sector can contribute to the spread of HIV and AIDS high levels of illness and death impact on the effectiveness of the sector. 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS
Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS thank you 14 March 2008 Joint Infrastructure Initiative: Transport Against AIDS