Downtown District Large Event Grant Program Pre-Application Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Downtown District Large Event Grant Program Pre-Application Workshop - Introductions: Introduce CRA staff Have audience introduce themselves – Name and Organization Explain restrooms, snack/drink machine Sign In Sheet on round table, along with Agenda & Printout of PowerPoint Presentation with an area for note taking Typically very informal, You are welcome to ask questions as we go through the presentation and after the presentation as well. -Describe CRA: Community Redevelopment Agency was established by the City of Tallahassee in 1998. The Agency is comprised of two districts: The Greater Frenchtown Southside District and the Downtown District (Show map). The Agency Board is comprised of the Mayor and City Commissioners. The CRA Board approved for Fiscal Year 2019 $75,000 to fund promotional/special events (Small and Large Events, $20,000 for small and $55,000 for large). -Purpose of Workshop: The workshop provides an opportunity for potential applicants to ask questions and receive vital information prior to submitting their application.

Agenda Overview of the Purpose of the DT Large Event Grant Program Review Application Criteria & Guidelines Budget Review Post-Event Report Applicant Survey Go over the agenda We have prepared a Workshop Agenda for you to follow along.

Purpose of the Grant Program Large Events The purpose of the program is to provide support to special events that promote the Goals and Objectives of the DT District Community Redevelopment Plan and generate economic activity in the DT District. One of the main purposes of a CRA is to improve areas of blight. Although events do not directly improved blighted areas, they do aid in improving the perception of an area. In addition, events bring citizens and visitors to an area, they may not have visited before.

Application Criteria Must meet definition of a Large Event Must be a not-for-profit organization registered with the Florida Department of State Events must be held in the DT District of the CRA Go over the eligibility requirements. Go over the guidelines: Additional Page Definition of Special Event and/or Promotional Activities is defined as a new or existing organized concert, exhibition, festival, carnival, athletic event, craft show, competition, parade, celebration, market or any event similar in nature which is open to the public. Special events do not include social parties, conferences, open houses, grand openings, ribbon cutting ceremonies or events that are not open to the public. Large events are also define as above but includes language that the event has the potential to generate hotel stays through the attraction of a regional audience and generate economic activity within the Downtown District.

Application Criteria Events must relate to at least one goal or objective of the DT District Redevelopment Plan Events must be open to the public Majority of Large Events activities must be free Event must be held between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020 There are eight goals in the DT Plan, events must relate to at least one of those goals. The more goals an event is related to the more points received.

Application Criteria Continued…. Applicant must be current and not in default on any City, County, or CRA loans Facility in which event occurs must not have any outstanding code violations Events cannot be similar in nature to the for-profit business arm of a not-for-profit organization Application must be signed by two officers currently listed with the Florida Dept. of State, Division of Corporations Explain that staff will research this. Give examples of a non-profit event for a not-for-profit business arm – e.g. BBQ restaurant owner to host BBQ Festival. NO – this is directly related to commercial business. Although, business owner may have a not-for-profit business set up. Do another example if audience seems puzzled. Explain that applications received with properties that are not current on applicable loans, have outstanding code violations or hosting events that are similar in nature to for-profit arm – will be considered ineligible for funding.

Program Funds can be used for: Rentals such as equipment, tents, chairs, tables, facilities, portalets, etc.   Marketing and promotion including advertising, printing of flyers, banners; Entertainment, performers; Permits, film license; Security, general liability insurance.   I’d like to explain this slide as the Can’s and Can Nots. What Program funds can be used for and what program funds can not be used for. Go over it explicitly

Program Funds cannot be used for: Religious or political promotional/special events;  Events that are inconsistent with the Goals and Objectives of the CRA, the City of Tallahassee or Leon County; Events sponsored by the State of Florida, local governments or universities or for-profit organizations;  Events that are not open to the public;  Operating expenses of the hosting organization, including salaries or other compensation; I’d like to explain this slide as the Can’s and Can Nots. What Program funds can be used for and what program funds can not be used for. Go over it explicitly

Program Funds cannot be used for: Continued Prize money, awards, plaques or certificates; Purchase of tangible personal property;  Interest payments or reduction of deficits or loans;  Travel expenses;  Alcoholic beverages;  Taxes, such as Florida State Sales Tax I’d like to explain this slide as the Can’s and Can Nots. What Program funds can be used for and what program funds can not be used for. Go over it explicitly

Rules to be aware of…. The maximum grant award for large events is $25,000, with a minimum of $10,000. First-time events are eligible for a maximum grant of $40,000. Large event applicants must score a minimum of 70 points to be eligible for funding. Large event applicants must document their matching funds based on CRA funds requested. Read slide This allows more organizations to receive funding in the future. One of the program incentives is for repeat organizations become self sufficient via sponsors, vendor table rentals, ticket sales or etc.

Starting with a clean slate. Common Mistakes Categories can be modified, doesn’t have to necessarily be exactly as shown here. Just be sure CRA proposed funded items are allowable items. We can send you the “EXCEL Budget Template” as needed and/or we will ensure it’s posted to our website for your use.

You’re funded…What’s next? Insurance Certificate Submitted (only for events held on public property) Agreement executed with CRA For small events grant funds are disbursed once agreement is executed For large events grant funds are disbursed after the Post-Event Report is approved The post-event report is due 60 days after the event for large events. Insurance requirements, City or CRA-owned property…add as additional insured. City park location need to also complete Parks & Recreation application Promotional materials must have the CRA logo imprinted. Materials must be submitted for approval

Post-Event Report Purpose: To verify terms and conditions of the agreement have been satisfied. A good Post-Event Report should… Demonstrate delivery of contractual obligations Review overall success Document benefits to the community Show an accurate and final budget Recommendations for future events Just read slide

CRA Main Office Phone Number 850-891-8357 Sheila Thompson Williams 850-891-8355 Sherri Curtis 850-891-8354 Here’s staff contact information, for further assistance. After questions have ended, administer survey and advise where to leave survey upon completion. CRA Main Office Phone Number 850-891-8357 For information, guidelines and application

Workshop Attendee Survey Please take Five (5) Minutes to Answer our Questionnaire Please be sure to complete the Applicant Survey regarding the Program and Workshop. We appreciate your honest input and concerns regarding improving this process. Say good stuff too!