Introduction to English II Honors Ms. horne
English II Content World Literature English II Standards Language Reading Writing Listening Speaking English II Emphasis
Class Supply List Required: Optional: Two inch 3-ring binder Notebook dividers with these headers: Vocabulary Daily Focus Literature Loose leaf paper No. 2 pencils Black and/or blue ink pens Highlighters Optional: Index cards Headphones** **While not required every day, there will be assignments that require headphones.
Classroom Policies Zero tolerance policy for cheating and/or plagiarism that will be strictly enforced Grading Policy Major Assignments 60% Minor Assignments 40% Late Work: There is no late work accepted. If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to get the assignment to school on or before the due date and time. You may have only bottled water in class. This privilege can be lost if bottles are left on the floor or other areas in the classroom. There is NO FOOD allowed in the classroom.
Classroom Policies If a student is removed from class for disruptive or rude behavior, he or she will receive one after school detention. Substitute Teacher Policy: If a student’s name is left by a substitute teacher for misbehaving or being disrespectful, he or she will receive three detentions. If you make a mess, clean it up. Do not bother other peoples’ things.
Classroom Policies Typed assignments will be turned in to Google Classroom unless otherwise specified. Restroom breaks should be taken before or after class.
Classroom Procedures Daily Assignments Turn in assignments to basket 2nd Period—Blue 3rd Period—Green 4th Period—Pink Turn in assignments to basket 2nd period—blue bin 3rd period—green bin 4th period—pink bin
Classroom Procedures Do not pack up before the bell rings or I ask you to do so. 5 minutes after class Tardy—includes not being in your seat when the bell rings/ not being prepared for the start of class Packing up before time is called Using restroom during class Unnecessary talking/irrelevant questions
Weekly Agenda: Vocabulary Vocabulary Lessons Monday: Copy the new words Tuesday-Thursday: Complete vocab exercises Friday: Vocab quiz
Weekly Agenda: Daily Focus Mindful Monday: Set weekly goals, make plan to achieve goal, reflect on previous goals Ted Talk Tuesday: Listen to Ted Talk, reflect and make connections to self and literature Write About It Wednesday: Several prompts available Test Prep Thursday: EOC style reading/questions Free Read Friday: 20 minutes, must have a book to read (your choice!)
Long-Term Projects No Red Ink—Weekly homework assignments Reading Enrichment—Monthly (On Google Classroom)
Classroom Safety Fire Drill Procedure Tornado Drill Procedure Code Red Procedure In case of medical emergency… Class will move to Ms. Scoggin Make sure to call the office and ask for assistance Volunteer to get Ms. Yates
Log-in Information and Codes Chromebook Numbers Google Classroom Code 3rd: 4xlfkgl (lowercase Ls) 4th: 0dnpm (first number is zero) 3rd & 4th: Go to website, log in with Google, create password Code: 3rd: G6QWJ9 4th: R75NZL
What exactly will we be doing in class?