Expression of IRS2 ameliorates the effects of ATF3 in cultured β-cells. Expression of IRS2 ameliorates the effects of ATF3 in cultured β-cells. A: INS832/13 cells were infected with the indicated adenoviruses for the indicated times and analyzed by MTT. A570 reading of βGal-expressing cells at each time point was arbitrarily defined as 1. Triplicate samples were assayed for each experiment to obtain the mean ± SD. Shown is a representative of four experiments. B: Same as A, except IL-1β plus TNF-α were added at 1 h after infection. C: Same as A, except immunoblot is shown. D: Same as A, except harvested at 24 h, stained, and analyzed by FACS. Shown is a representative of three experiments. Numbers indicate the percentages of cells in the top right quadrant. E: Derived from top right quadrant of D. The number from βGal-expressing cells was arbitrarily defined as 1. Dan Li et al. Diabetes 2008;57:635-644 ©2008 by American Diabetes Association