Happy Monday! Have your notes out
Court Cases from Friday Miranda v. Arizona Engel v. Vitale Tinker v. Des Moines What was the court case about? How does it affect society today?
The Question: Does a prohibition against the wearing of armbands in public school, as a form of symbolic protest, violate a student’s freedom of speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment?
Symbols They can mean one thing, they can mean lots of things. Think of this one...know what it stands for?
Ever thought it meant this? 1958, British artist
Tinker v. Des Moines Two students gathered friends, wanted to stand up against the war Created black armbands to wear at school School heard about it, said if you wear them, you will be violating school rules - “possibly disrupting the school learning environment” Went to Supreme Court - WON School district acted out of fear that it would be disruptive, rather than it actually being disruptive
Armband Activity: What would you fight for? Need: 1 page, design a colored symbol that you would put on your personal armband that relates to or depicts your topic 1 page, write ⅔ - a full page explaining the symbol and your stance on the topic (Explain Tinker v. Des Moines case in your own words. What is the topic of your armband? Explain your symbol. Why is it so important to you? No cell phones for this part) ***Due at the end of class, stapled!
Mary Beth Tinker on the 1st Amendment