Global Meeting of the DS-SLM Project Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling up of Sustainable Land Management Country Presentation Country: Kingdom of Lesotho Presentation made by: ‘Matoka Moshoeshoe & Koetlisi Koetlisi Global Meeting of the DS-SLM Project 24 - 27 April 2018 FAO, Rome, Italy
Our Land-locked state
Lesotho will focus on component 1 &3 Conduct assessment on DLDD and SLM and decide on the best practices for mainstreaming both at national and district level. Reinforce all delivery channels for demonstrating, awareness raising and SLM training. Implement SLM best practices, adoption and progressive up-scaling of cost effective and innovative SLM technologies Through LESIS ( establish project web-based monitoring system Avail reports and disseminate project results
Institutional Arrangements .
Institutional Arrangements Strong local ownership requires working together. The Execution arrangements for the project include a multi- agency Project Steering Committee (PSC), comprising of; (MFRSC) (MAFS) (DWA) (MLG) NGOs and CSOs in Agriculture & NRM Academia & Research Development partners Communities and Lesotho National Farmers Union (REP).
DS-SLM Methodological framework
Conducted at one of the implementing catchments Module 2. National / subnational assessment Conducted at one of the implementing catchments Training of officers from leading ministry and line ministries Training on three LADA frameworks; DPSIR, Sustainable livelihoods and Ecosystem services frameworks Training on PRA tools Mapping & identification of best possible transect walk paths
Observed Criteria for the selection of the landscapes Module 3. Selection of Priority Landscapes Observed Criteria for the selection of the landscapes Understand and will to maintain the social, economic and ecological watershed functions in a balanced manner Be holistic People-centred and participatory and interdisciplinary Landscapes selected Catchment delineation at Agro-ecological zones’ context One pilot site at each of four zones
Rarely practiced Somehow common Common Module 6. SLM Best Practices Identification Rarely practiced Somehow common Common Integrated soil fertility management Conservation agriculture (CA) Cross-slope barriers on sloping lands Organic agriculture Integrated crop-livestock management Rainwater harvesting but NO In-field Sustainable planted forest management Sustainable grazing land management Gully control and other land rehabilitation measures Smallholder irrigation management Rotational cropping systems Water quality improvement Agroforestry Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use Waste management Surface and ground water management
Our Best practices for DS-SLM are those that address LDN-targets; SOC Module 4. SLM Best Practices Identification Our Best practices for DS-SLM are those that address LDN-targets; SOC Land Productivity Land Cover WOCAT tools yet to be implemented Possible Practices Identified Diversion furrows / Infiltration furrows and pits Brush control and Brush packs/ Trash-lines Reseeding of marginal lands Gully Structures Rainwater harvesting including in-field structures
The module is yet to be implemented Module 6. SLM implementation and scaling out The module is yet to be implemented
Module 1 & 5. Mainstreaming strategy and Territorial planning Engaged a local consultant to conduct a desktop study on the available information on SLM Visits to major stakeholders at national and district level (Line ministries, NGOs, farmers) to lobby their support into project’s activities. Conducted training of officers responsible for implementation of project’s activities Held inception workshop
Conclusions - lessons learned from other projects Challenges: Weak political will and commitment Inadequate technical knowledge management and transfer Interest is on incentives than land base rehabilitation Poverty / lack of capital to invest in SLM, limited access to external inputs Tragedy of the commons High farmer-extension officer ratio
Conclusions - lessons learned from other projects Synergies with other projects is crucial; Especially if assessing land resources status and trends, effects on livelihoods and ecosystem services is common Projects Lesotho Soil Information System Reducing vulnerability through Climate Change Adaptation Strengthening Capacity from Climate Change Adaptation e.t.c
Rea Leboha/ We Thank You