The multiverse theories By Thomas, Eddy and William
The danger mouse twysty verse In Danger Mouse (the TV show) there is an alternative universe where everything is opposite to the real thing. Not all of this is make-believe for, we now have reason to believe that there may actually be alternative universes – can you imagine there being more than one of you?
Multiverse theory one In this multiverse theory, there is a premade universe for everything that could occur. This means that there would be an infinite number of universes. Every possibility means that there would be a universe where the dinosaurs didn’t die out or, a universe where I’m wearing a different colour T-Shirt.
The inflation multiverse The universe was tiny, it then hugely expanded in a very short space of time, it got stretched, this is why visible space has a pattern to it. This process can happen again and again, creating an infinite number of universes so, eventually there will be another universe with another Earth just like this one.
The quantum multiverse The quantum multiverse is something really complicated so I shall explain it in simple terms. So say you’re walking home. There are two ways you can go, left and right, when you decide the universe splits into two. One where you go left and one where you go right. This means, that any decision made by anything will make the universe split.
None of these theories have been proven however if one were real which one do you think it would be? P.S. Remember if you haven’t done your homework in this universe you will have done it in another.