(2nd grade) 2-G4. 3 : Use components of culture (e. g (2nd grade) 2-G4.0.3 : Use components of culture (e.g., foods, language, religion, traditions) to describe diversity in the local community. Jordan Tucker
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o32l-_U6nGY (Video) CD from Social Studies Alive!: Diverse Cultures Festival Time (Coloring activity after)
Poems: Diversity (author unknown) We are all different But that’s ok What makes us the same is that we like to play We like to teach and fix cars too We even like to go to the zoo What makes us different is the key What makes us different is diversity
Poems: https://vimeo.com/23111919
Artwork: After reading this poem, start this class artwork activity. After singing “Festival Time” students will then draw a picture about how their culture is celebrated.
Books Same, but a little bit diff’rent by Kylie Dustan What Is a Community? All Families Are Special
Books (cont.): Neighborhood and Community i Think: it’s Elementary! Communities
Magazines: Faces: People, Places and Cultures
Lesson Plans: Taken from Neighborhoods and Communities- I Live in a Neighborhood Taken from Pearson My World Social Studies
Sources: Mandoe, P. J. (2009, January). What We Eat Is Who We Are. Faces, 25(4), 32-33. Carpentiere, E. C. (2010, September). Faces, 27(1). (n.d.). Diverse Cultures. On Social Studies Alive! [CD]. B. Yankee & M. CreagerTeachers' Curriculum Institue. Sherwin, L. (Producer). (2006). Everyone's Different. [Online sound recording]. L. SherwinSherwin Communications. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QSLlEt_LJY Hollenbeck, K. M. (2003). Neighborhood and Communities (pp. 20, 23, 26-27). New York: Scholastic Professional Books. Barabas, K. (2005). What Is a Community? Boston, MA: Newbridge Publishing, LLC. De Rolf, S. (2011). In Vimeo. Retrieved November 9, 2015, from https://vimeo.com/23111919 Corr, K. (2009). I Think: it's Elementary! Communities (pp. 11-14). Atlanta, GA: InspriEd Educators Inc. Simon, N. (2003). All Families Are Special.