Richard Wilson - Sandwell PCT Mel Scampton - Research Sandwell Sandwell JSNA Richard Wilson - Sandwell PCT Mel Scampton - Research Sandwell
Structure Followed Sandwell Plan More and decent homes Ensure cover widest determinants Cross cutting themes More and decent homes Improving health Supporting Independence Reducing high volume crime Good start to life Successful young people Cleaner safer communities More people in employment
Sandwell? Where is it? Challenges 14th most deprived 30% BME by 2025 Growing inequalities gap All the usual suspects
Challenges Working together No budget! Shared priority Competing priority More pct than LA Fitting it into already very busy shared agenda CYP vs JSNA No budget!
Peer group Bolton Coventry Derby Dudley Gateshead Stoke Walsall Wolverhampton
Social Care
Proxies for Social care
Early Years
Successful young people
Chapter ending LAA/VS/NI target Existing Strategies and policies Recommendations
Recommendations Owned by HWBB Iterative process going forward A joint strategic information group Underpin HWBB Commissioning strategy
Reflections Thrown lots of techniques at it Pretty much everything chucked at it to see what worked “As a human being, one has been endowed with just enough intelligence to be able to see clearly how utterly inadequate that intelligence is when confronted with what exists.” (A Einstein) Success was dependent on individuals not organisational priority
“Statistics are like a lamp post to a drunk man, more for support than illumination” David Brent