The Lord’s Day Celebration
The Lord’s Day Celebration The Lighting of the Candle Blessing of the Wine Blessing of the Bread Thanksgiving
Opening Song ONE GOD Chorus: Em C Em C Em Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is one God. Hallelujah Em C Em C Em Verse: G D And thou shalt love the Lord thy God C Em D With all thy heart with all thy might G D And give Him glory king of glory C B B7 In His ways delight. (Repeat All)
ONE GOD There is no other savior, no other life redeemer Bridge: Em D Em C D Em There is no other savior, no other life redeemer D Em C B B7 We give our all to praise You and lift our voice in declaration Chorus: Em C Em C Em Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is one God. Hallelujah Em C Em C Em Verse: G D And thou shalt love the Lord thy God C Em D With all thy heart with all thy might G D C B B7 And give Him glory king of glory in His ways delight.
ONE GOD There is no other savior, No other life redeemer Bridge: Em D Em There is no other savior, C D Em No other life redeemer D Em We give our all to praise You C B B7 And lift our voice in declaration Chorus: Em C Em Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is one God C Em Hallelujah {Hallelujah} (3X) Em C Em Hallelujah!
Reading: Colossians 1:15-20 The Lighting of the Candle Reading: Colossians 1:15-20 Christ is the visible likeness of the invisible God. He is the first-born Son, superior to all created things. For thru Him God created everything in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen things, including spiritual powers, lords, rulers, and authorities. God created the whole universe thru Him and for Him. Christ existed before all things, and in union with Him all things have their proper place.
The Lighting of the Candle Reading continued… He is the head of His body, the church; He is the source of the body’s life. He is the first-born Son, who was raised from death, in order that He alone might have the first place in all things. For it was by God’s own decision that the Son has in Himself the full nature of God. Thru the Son, then, God decided to bring the whole universe back to Himself. God made peace thru His Son’s blood on the cross and so brought back to Himself all things, both on earth and in heaven.
The Lighting of the Candle Leader: Lord of the Universe, in honor of Your Son, Light of the World and Author of Life, I am about to perform the duty of kindling the light for the Lord’s Day, even as it is written: “and you shall call the Sabbath a delight, and the holy day of the Lord honorable”, and may the effect of our fulfilling this commandment be, that the stream of abundant life and heavenly blessing flow in upon us; that You may be gracious unto us and cause Your Holy Spirit to dwell more richly among us.
The Lighting of the Candle Leader: Father of mercy, O continue Your loving kindness towards us. Make us worthy to walk in the way of Your son, loyal to your teaching and unwavering in love and service. Keep far from us all anxiety, darkness and gloom; and grant that peace, light and joy ever abide in our home; for in You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light. Response: Amen
The Lighting of the Candle (Leader extends his hands toward unlit candle during this prayer) Responsorial Prayer Leader: Let us welcome the Lord’s Day Response: May its radiance illuminate our hearts as we enkindle this candle Leader: Light is the symbol of the Lord Jesus Response: The Lord is my light and my salvation Leader: Light is the symbol of the Lord’s presence with us Response: He is the true light that enlightens every man
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