Embrionális fejlődés
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Two-cell stage 1. Zona pellucida 2. Blastmere Four-cell stage Morulla Blastocyst 1. Outer cell mass or trophoblast 2. Blastocyst cavity 3. Inner cell mass or embryoblast
Blastocyst - day 12 1. Syncytiotrophoblast 2. Trophoblastic lacunae 3 Blastocyst - day 12 1. Syncytiotrophoblast 2. Trophoblastic lacunae 3. Surface epithelium 4. Fibrin coagulum 5. Epiblast 6. Aminotic cavity 7. Hypoblast 8. Cytotrophoblast 9. Exocoelomic cavity
Derivatives of the mesoderm – day 1 1 . Amniotic cavity 2 . Mesoderm 3 . Notochord 4 . Ectoderm 5 . Endoderm