An Analysis of Industrial Technology (IT) Programs Effectiveness Through the Eyes of IT Graduates: A National Survey of 2002 Graduates Presented by Sam Mason, CMfgT, CSIT Jaby Mohammed, PhD International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
2002 Alumni Based on input from colleagues, the questionnaire was revised and updated. questionnaire In the academic year 2007, the revised survey was administered with the alumni of International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
2002 Alumni Contributions of Industrial Technology Programs at: Morehead State University Millersville University of Pennsylvania East Carolina University University of Central Missouri Iowa State University International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
2002 Alumni 35 questionnaires were completed and returned. International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
What positions do IT alumni hold? What is alumnis highest academic degree and present qualifications? What is their average salary? How do they perceive their completed program? Major Points International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Salary: 2002 Graduates Average: $48,968 Minimum: $30,000 Maximum: $75,000 Average: $48,968 Minimum: $30,000 Maximum: $75,000 Median ~ $50,000 International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Survey Results Age –61.5% are less than 30 years old –38.5% are over 30 years Gender –14%Female –86% Male Degree earned - 80%B.S. - 22%A.S. International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Employment Status Full time 97.2% Part time 0% Unemployed 2.8% Graduate Student 0% International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Employment When were they employed? Before enrollment 0% Before graduation 23% After graduation 77% International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Position-Responsibilities Was their present occupation directly related to the program of study? Yes 85.7% No 11.4% Not reported 2.8% International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
How long did it take to complete the degree? More than 6 years 8.5% 4 years or less 48.5% 4 years to 6 years 42.8% Time Frame International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
New Position Since completing the program, have they been promoted to a new position? Yes 42.8% No 37.1% No Response20% International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Overall evaluation of the program can be summarized as: Failing 0% Poor 2.8% Average 17% Good 54.2% Excellent 25.7% Impression International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Graduate Education Have they enrolled in a graduate program? Yes 25.7% No 74.2% – If yes, specify Master of Technology MBA International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Subject Matter Which of the following courses have proved of most value? Rating scale: 1 = lowest value. 5 = highest value. International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Courses Mean General education 3.2 Technical 4.3 Cooperative education 4 Courses with Lab experiments 4.2 Courses Without Lab 3.8 Internship/on-site project 4 Remains constant throughout all 5 years of the study International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Strengths Professors/ Instructors Teaching Methods Real-World Experience Field trips Online Courses Laboratories Advising Co-op Opportunities Please list major strengths of the program completed. International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Strengths Flexible and Knowledgeable Staff Equipment Availability Diversity of Courses (Materials Testing, QC, Supervisory, Machining) Broad Range of Industry Covered Open Door Policy with Faculty Senior Capstone Excellent departmental contacts and relations with industry Please list major strengths of the program completed. International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Need Improvement Need updated equipment Scheduling/ Availability of classes Need more real life experience Need more management classes Need more web design course Need more online courses Not enough technical writing Not enough upper level courses International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Graduate Education Are they planning to earn a Masters degree? Yes 59% No 29% Undecided12% Preferred programs based on the following scale: 1 = least preferable -- 5 = most preferable International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Graduate Programs Programs Mean Master of Industrial Technology 4.1 Master of Education 2.5 Master of Voc. Education 3.1 MBA 3.3 Master in Quality Assurance 2.8 International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Satisfaction Level of satisfaction based on the following scale: 5 = very satisfied 4 = satisfied 3 = neutral 2 = dissatisfied 1 = very dissatisfied International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Satisfaction Items Mean Advising/Mentoring 4.6 Teaching 3.9 Tutoring 3.6 Field Trips 3.9 Lab Experiments 4.2 Counseling 3.5 Cooperative education 3.7 International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Perceptions I believe I am a more competent professional because of earning a degree. Strongly agree 8.5% Agree 68.5% Dont know 20% Disagree 0% Strongly disagree 2.8% International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
SUMMARY The feedback from IT alumni who are functioning as technologists in industrial, business, and educational organizations will be a valuable tool to assess the effectiveness of programs. International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
SUMMARY For Industrial Technology programs to stay on the leading edge of the profession, it is critical that their curricula be systematically examined and revised. Need updated equipment Scheduling/ Availability of classes Need more real life experience Not enough upper level courses International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
SUMMARY Each institution should continue efforts to recruit and retain female students in IT programs Scheduling modifications and flexible course offerings should be considered to meet the needs of the working student International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
SUMMARY Technical, Project Based, Hands-on Laboratories and Co-op/ Internships indicate high levels of job relation, satisfaction and employment growth High number of responses indicate that the job market is favorable for Industrial Technology graduates for field related employment International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Comments Please feel free to contact me if I can ever be of help to the department. Keep up the good work. Great Program. Faculty were Great. International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Comments There is a need for more classes pertaining to the field of work. For instance…types of concrete, since this is the widest used material for construction, very little is taught about it. There needs to be one course on concrete only. International Technology Education Association 70 th Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah