Conference of European Statisticians June 2015 Results of the Consultation on the Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers This is a sample Title Slide with Picture ideal for including a dark picture with a brief title and subtitle. Conference of European Statisticians June 2015
Consultation in March – April 2015 General comments 42 countries and 4 organisations replied Responses stated that the guidelines: Provide a comprehensive overview of both theory and practice Provide useful methodological and practical guidance Will be helpful for countries to maintain and improve their SBR and also for training purposes All replies were in favour of CES adopting the Guidelines
Consultation in March – April 2015 Specific comments Comments and proposals for all chapters were received and incorporated: Clarifications and improved explanations Addition of more practical guidance, e.g. on classification according to activity and institutional sector Updated chapter on statistical units Assurance of consistency with international standards (2008 SNA and ISIC rev. 4) Update of country examples
Consultation in March – April 2015 Topics for Future Work and Research Proposals from countries were received and incorporated: Statistical units and profiling SBR as the Backbone of economic statistics Use of administrative data sources Use of new data sources International trade and globalisation Development of new statistics Methodological developments International comparability
Proposal for the Conference The Conference is invited to: Endorse the proposed Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers, subject to comments made Encourage the joint UNECE, Eurostat, OECD Expert Group on Business Registers to addresses the proposed topics for future work and research Welcome the initiative of the UNSD to initiate the process of seeking endorsement of the Guidelines by the UN Statistical Commission