EPAAC: WP5 - Health Promotion and Prevention


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Presentation transcript:

EPAAC: WP5 - Health Promotion and Prevention Wendy Yared, DrPH, MPH Director, Association of European Cancer Leagues 8 December 2010 EPAAC Steering Committee, Brussels

Association of European Cancer Leagues Pan-European umbrella organisation created in 1980 (= 30 years anniversary!) Members are cancer organisations at mainly national level across wider Europe e.g., Dutch Cancer Society, Italian Cancer League, Swiss Cancer League, etc. As resources, our member leagues have a combined income of over 700 million Euro (US$1,209,000,000), over 6,000 staff members and more than half a million volunteers in their fight against cancer. We serve as a source of information on cancer, on initiatives set up at the European level, on EU decisions and legislations related to cancer, on the status of various European on-going projects that all seek to fight cancer. We also serve as a platform of exchange of best practices, where our members learn from each others' experiences.

Association of European Cancer Leagues Strategic Goals promote a healthy lifestyle for all European citizens; enhance access to cancer screening programmes; ensure greater and cross-border access to diagnostics, treatment and support; advocate for the establishment and implementation of national cancer control programmes Thematic Areas for information exchange and lobbying Tobacco Control HPV Vaccine / Cervical Cancer National Cancer Control Plans Skin Cancer / Melanoma Issues Patient Support Working Group Pharmaceutical Issues e.g., access to innovative medicines Fundraising

European Partnership for Action Against Cancer - Areas and Actions - WP5: Health promotion and early detection of cancer: Overall aim to raise awareness about cancer prevention and health promotion, especially among target groups in Europe, by disseminating the European Code Against Cancer using proven communication strategies and messages, and by engaging policy-makers at the European, national, and subnational levels

ECL’s Work Package 5: Health Promotion and Prevention Starting Date: 1 Dec 2010 Ending Date: 31 Nov 2013 (36 months) Actions will engage ECL cancer leagues and other dedicated partners in the joint effort to raise cancer prevention awareness and to reduce exposure to cancer risk factors recognizing that “prevention offers the most cost-effective long-term strategy for the control of cancer”, and 33% to 40% of all cancers are preventable, by 1) focusing on the European Code Against Cancer messages and 2) launching a one-week campaign each year to disseminate cancer prevention and health promotion messages across the EU and wider European MS

WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention - Main Areas for Actions - Specific actions of this Work Package - Survey ECL leagues and other organisations for materials used in communicating cancer prevention messages and the European Code Against Cancer; - Re-launch a revamped version of the annual European Week Against Cancer (EWAC) which took place across Europe between 1989 and 2005 coordinated by ECL and cancer leagues, to take place in May of each year in the same week as World No Tobacco Day, with a theme linked to Health Promotion and Prevention, engaging policy-makers at the European, national and subnational levels;

WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention - Main Areas for Actions (con’t)- - Optimise the use of existing simple but effective tools to communicate proven prevention strategies and campaigns, such as the European Code Against Cancer, in the development of media templates, toolkits and templates for adaption for use in Member States; - Target population groups, such as women and children. For e.g., by engaging young people in their communities (such as ministries of education, local governments, schools) and via their platforms (such as the internet and social digital media channels) and by focusing on the special issues relevant to women (such as tobacco use and lung cancer); and - Engage ECL leagues, Partnership partners and other networks to widely disseminate tools and other WP5 deliverables.

WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention - Objectives - Specific objective 1 Raise awareness on the Prevention WP and the EPAAC and enlist support for our actions focusing on the importance of cancer prevention, among cancer societies, policy-makers, and pan-European partners with an interest in cancer and/or health. Specific objective 2 Re-launch the annual European Week Against Cancer (EWAC) in collaboration with Member States (Belgium 2011, Italy 2012, Ireland 2013) and national cancer leagues as the campaign vehicle for cancer prevention and health promotion messages, providing a toolkit and/or templates each year for adaptation by Member States

WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention - Objectives - Specific objective 3 Optimise the use of existing simple but effective tools to communicate proven prevention strategies and campaigns, such as the European Code Against Cancer, in the development of media templates, toolkits and templates for adaption for use in Member States. Specific objective 4 Target vulnerable population groups, such as women, children, Roma populations, e.g., engaging young people in their communities (such as ministries of education, local governments, schools) and via their platforms (such as the internet and social digital media channels) and by focusing on the special issues relevant to women (such as tobacco use) and for Roma and other underserved populations.

MEPs Against Cancer (MAC) WP5 Objective 5: Engage ECL leagues, Partnership partners and other networks to widely disseminate tools and other Work Package deliverables The MAC (MEPs Against Cancer) group, with ECL as Secretariat, is an all-party informal group of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) committed to promoting action on cancer as an EU priority. MAC is led by MAC President MEP Alojz Peterle, MAC Vice Presidents MEPs Liz Lynne, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, MEP Frieda Brepoels

MEPs Against Cancer (MAC) MAC will support WP5 actions and forward cancer prevention and other aims of the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer, by helping to engage national and regional policymakers, e.g., create MAC groups at the national level in Member States during European Week Against Cancer. www.europeancancerleagues.eu/mac

WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention - Selected Deliverables - Evaluation Results of the previous European Week Against Cancer Programme (EWAC) ECL Secretariat to contact cancer leagues who were involved in 1st EWAC Set-up of WP5 Advisory Group members for main actions Agree on how to measure baseline of cancer prevention awareness among leagues Agree on measurement methodology to detect change in awareness and behavioural at the population level Agree on campaign materials for EWAC toolkits / templates Agree on themes for EWACs

WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention - Selected Deliverables - Baseline measurement results of cancer prevention awareness among European populations visiting cancer league websites Compilation of materials for toolkits from cancer leagues and other organisations, especially those with evaluations. Toolkits and/or templates kits on a pre-agreed prevention theme or pre-agreed target populations Meeting Report of First EWAC event communicating results of baseline survey on cancer prevention awareness

WP5: Health Promotion and Prevention - Selected Deliverables - Report on perception and self-reported behaviour change of Europeans as result of two EWAC campaigns, via online and school-based setting surveys Evaluation report with analyses of WP5 actions, with recommendations for communication the European Code Against Cancer and continuation or discontinuation of EWAC campaigns

WP5: Cancer Prevention and Health Promotion Partners Associated Partners: Italian Ministry of Health (ITA) Department of Health of Ireland (IRE) Italian Cancer League (LILT) Irish Cancer Society (ICS) Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) Collaborating Partners: World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) European Network for Smoking Prevention (ENSP) Committee of the Regions (CoR) American Cancer Society (ACS) Eurocare European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) European Institute for Women's Health (EIWH) Smokefree Partnership (SFP) Lynn's Bowel Cancer Campaign The Health Promotion Foundation, Poland National Center of Public Health Protection, Bulgaria International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) Garnier International Pfizer Novartis Other EPAAC Partners, e.g., ECCO, ESMO

Looking forward to your advice and comments, and to working with you.

www. cancercode. org. www. iarc. fr For more information on ECL:. www www.cancercode.org www.iarc.fr For more information on ECL: www.europeancancerleagues.org info@europeancancerleagues.org