Year 7
7 values Friendship-Pair people with people they don’t know so they can make friends. Respect-Treat people how you would like to be treated. Excellence-Ask them to try their best and do what they can, Equality-Treat everyone equally Courage-Help people and encouraged them to do well an try there best. Determination-Don’t give up and try your hardest. Inspiration-try and inspire them to be active and achieve their best.
What date will it be on and were……….. The 10th of July On the school field/courts/ Sports hall.
You will need……… You will wear……… A pack lunch Sun cream Any medication You will come in the your P.E kit. Make sure you wear trainers to. You will wear………
Country's Each form will have a country the country's are…. CANADA GERMANY CHINA GREECE AUSTRALIA SPAIN SOUTH KOREA RUSSIA USA These country's have been pick because they were the last 9 countries to hold the summer Olympic games
aim of the day! For the day to be based around year 7 and for people to have fun and make friends. It dose not matter if you lose it’s the taking part witch counts.