DHS Announcements
Homecoming Court 2019! If you think you have what it takes to be your class’ Prince or Princess for the Homecoming Royal Court 2019, you are in luck! All students who are interested in being a part of next year’s royal court, there will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 16th after school in the school library For more information, please see Ms. Martin or Ms. Eboni Usher
Now Hiring, Chick-Fil-A Chick-Fil-A on Hwy 138 is looking for students who can work Hours: 5pm to closing Bring a resume or student information form See Mrs. Walcott for details in room 407
Milestone Testing May 15th : Last day for make-up Examinations. See Dr. Powell for American Literature, American Literature, Algebra, Geometry, US History, Economics, Physical Science, or Biology
Junior Lunch Jam The Junior Lunch Jam is May 21st Tickets are on sale for $5 without purchasing lunch and $10 with lunch which includes Barbeque Chicken Sandwich, or Pork Sandwich
Donations for Ferst Foundation You can help to bring literacy to elementary aged children by reading. Ask your family, friends, coworkers, parents, and everyone else you know to donate money for early literacy. People give; you read. It's that simple! Get sponsors and commit to read for the cause. All money should be turned in to Dr. Prothro by Friday, May 24, 2019. All students, faculty, and staff can participate, please email or see Dr. Prothro for a fundraiser form.
EARLY RELEASE FORMS Early Release forms are due May 15, 2019 to homeroom teachers
2019 State Championship Girls: Nyah Synder 8th Place 400m dash Alantae Woodley 8th Place Long Jump Boys: Joseph Laster, III, Dylan Stokes Ja’Shaun Poke, Samir Trawick – 4X100 State Champions, hold DHS School Record in 5A, #2 in Georgia, #25 Nationally Joseph Laster, III – 1000m Runner Up, hold DHS School record, #10 Georgia Khalil and Khalid Cramer, Ja’Shaun Poe, Cameron Smith – 4X400, 3rd Place, DHS School Record Camron Smith – 4th Place 300m Hurdles
Senior Clearance Senior Clearance and Cap & Gown distribution will take place May 14th – May 15th during all lunch periods Additionally, Chromebook retrieval will take place during those times also