VINCENTIAN SPIRITUALITY: THE HEART OF OUR SERVICE TO THE POOR 1. Vincent de Paul always looked at the human person as a whole – a spiritual, moral, political, social, cultural being, including also their economic hopes and concerns.
VINCENTIAN SPIRITUALITY: THE HEART OF OUR SERVICE TO THE POOR St. Vincent de Paul – Poverty is not the will of God. It defaces the dignity of every poor person and the image of God in them.
VINCENTIAN SPIRITUALITY: THE HEART OF OUR SERVICE TO THE POOR 2. St. Vincent de Paul - Poverty is also a possible event of our salvation. Vincent saw in the poor the very person of Christ. “In the person of the poor, you serve Jesus Christ. . . You serve Christ in the person of the poor.”
VINCENTIAN SPIRITUALITY: THE HEART OF OUR SERVICE TO THE POOR 3. Vincent experienced how the poor brought him to God. The poor, to put it in contemporary terms, evangelized him. “the net result of my experience on the matter is the judgment I have ever formed, that true religion – true religion, Gentlemen, is to be found among the poor. God enriches them with a lively faith; they believe, they touch, they taste the words of life. . .”
VINCENTIAN SPIRITUALITY: THE HEART OF OUR SERVICE TO THE POOR “We thought we went to help. We ended up receiving more than we have given.” the poor are an integral part of our Family and not merely recipients of our benevolence and charity.