NOVEMBER 30, 2018 HW: READER RESPONSE DUE THURSDAY TP: SWBAT gather in literature circles for close reading Lesson Warm UP: Choose a book to read for the next few weeks (Crossover, Love that Dog, Hate that Cat) Create steps for a successful book club/literature circle routine NOVEMBER 30, 2018 HW: READER RESPONSE DUE THURSDAY
Example questions to ask… What do the central characters want? What keeps them/him/her from getting it? How do they/he/she get what they want? What do you think is the most important event in the story? What leads up to this event? How are the characters different after this event? Complex Form a theory about what matters to the main character (the character is motivated by…the character is determined to…) Compare the work with something else (anything else) and draw parallels (make connection between the two/discuss similarities).
Model Reading Crossover Things I might do if I had any one of the following jobs: Discussion Director: Why is Josh’s dad so secretive about his basketball past? What do you think the conflict will be? Creative Connector: Josh really reminds me of some people on the school basketball team. How would you compare Josh to the basketball team captain? Literary Luminary: Read aloud “Basketball Rule #1” because I think it’s meaningful. What was your reaction? Word Wizard: dubious; acclaimed; posterizing Stupendous Summarizer: Josh is a confident basketball player who is quick with his words and quick on the court! He plays basketball with his twin brother. Josh loves his family, basketball and his dreadlocks . Model
Work Time The purpose of today’s lesson is analyze a new passage of your chosen book Choose a poem to analyze. Jot down the page number and take notes. When you are done you will discuss your findings with your group. Task A: Form a theory about what matters to the main character (the character is motivated by…the character is determined to…) Task B: Compare the work with something else (anything else) and draw parallels (make connection between the two/discuss similarities). Task C: Why is the character making certain choices? Do you agree/disagree with their choices? Would you make the decision? Why or why not?
Closing Both you and your partner reviewed the same passage, but you both come to the book with different ideas and beliefs. How does your interpretation/understanding of the text differ from your partners? What devices/concepts did you come across, and how did they affect your understanding of the text?