PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW APRIL TO DECEMBER 2018 The Department committed to achieving 24 Annual Performance Plan (APP) targets in 2018/19 financial year. In line with the quarterly targets set for quarters 1, 2 & 3, against the 24 APP targets the Department Achieved 21 Targets, while 3 Targets were not Achieved. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS APRIL TO DECEMBER 2018 (1) With regards to capacitating SMS Members in Programme and Project Management, a total of 50 SMS Members were trained in Programme and Project Management, thus completing the training programme for 83% of SMS members – albeit the target was to train only 80% of identified SM members. As part of implementing the Climate and Culture Survey Action Plan, the Department developed a Leadership Development Programme in conjunction with Wits Business School which is targeted at developing the leadership cadre consisting of the DG and DDGs. The Leadership Development Programme has commenced with earnest and will be concluded in Quarter 4. In an effort to digitise DTPS, the Department has rolled-out the e-Submissions process as it moves towards a paperless DTPS. The Department successfully hosted the BRICS ICT Ministerial 2018 meeting in Durban during September. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS APRIL TO DECEMBER 2018 (2) The Department successfully hosted the ITU Telecom World 2018 in line with Hosting Agreement. RSA Position Paper on SADC roaming was finalised and approved after which it was advanced at the SADC SCOM and the SADC Ministerial meeting. With regards to the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018, Cabinet endorsed the RSA negotiating position which was advanced at the ITU PP-18. South Africa was able to advanced 9 proposals which were tabled at PP-18. With regards to the development of ICT Legislation, the following Bills were presented to Cluster and Cabinet: Electronic Communication Amendment Bill, Postal Service Amendment Bill and Ikamva National e-Skill Institute Bill. As part of implementing the ICT SMME Development Strategy, the training of ISPs in the NHI Sites commenced in identified Municipalities. The incubation of ISPs was undertaken with strategic partners such as NEMISA, VAAL University, .zaDNA and Google. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS APRIL TO DECEMBER 2018 (3) In terms of implementation of the National e-Strategy, the Department developed and undertook extensive stakeholder consultation on the Digital Skills Gap Analysis report, which will inform the Development of the National Digital Skills Strategy. On Rationalisation of SOCs, the Department developed and undertook stakeholder consultations on the draft Business Cases for both the State ICT Infrastructure Company and the State IT Company, which will inform the drafting of relevant Legislation going forward In terms of SA Connect, the sustenance of 63 identified sites was projected managed. Furthermore, Broadband infrastructure has been installed in 313 sites while Internet services have been activated in 93 sites. In an effort to fast-track the deployment if ICT Infrastructure, the Rapid Deployment National Coordination Centre was established in November 2018 and has commenced with its operations. With regards to continuing with preparations for WRC-19, the SA contributions report was further updated based on outcomes from meeting of the Working Parties which also contribute to the development of the draft SA Preliminary Positions for WRC-19. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
AREARS OF UNDER-ACHIEVEMENT APRIL TO DECEMBER 2018 The Department was unable to consider the identified 2019/20 Strategic Risks during the strategic planning workshop due to a late change in the workshop process/programme. The Department was unable to provide Secretariat and Technical support to the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution due to initial delays in the establishment of the Commission. The Department did not finalise the project pre-feasibility study in relation to the funding application for Phase 2 Broadband Connectivity, due to required compliance processes. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Explanation of Variance Current progress to date ADMINISTRATION (1) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Climate and Culture survey action plan implemented and monitored in relation to Leadership Development Programme for Executives Q1: Service provider appointed for the Leadership Development Programme for executives A Leadership Development Programme was finalised, in conjunction with Wits Business School. The implementation of the Leadership Development Programme commenced for the DG and all DDGs/ADDGs and will be concluded in Quarter 4. Achieved N/A Q2: Leadership Development Programme finalised and approved Q3: Implementation of the Leadership Development Programme commenced and quarterly progress report developed Programme and Project Management development implemented for 80% of identified Senior Managers Q1a: Programme and Project Management skills audit conducted for SMS Members Q1b: 20% of identified SMS Members trained on Project Management A total of 50 SMS members underwent the Project and Programme Management training which equates to 83% SMS members thus exceeding the set annual target of 80%. Q2: Additional 40% of identified SMS Members trained on Project Management Q3: Additional 20% of identified SMS Members trained on Project Management Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Explanation of Variance Current progress to date ADMINISTRATION (2) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Departmental Budget, and the Procurement Plan developed and monitored, according to Departmental priorities Q1 & Q2: Implementation of the approved 2018/19 Departmental Budget and approved Procurement Plan monitored The implementation of the approved 2018/19 Departmental Budget and the approved Procurement Plan in managed and monitored through the Departmental Budget Advisory Committee. Financial performance is also presented and discussed at relevant management forums including DEC and TMM. First draft and second draft of the 2019/20 ENE Chapter and database was developed, in line with draft APP priorities, and submitted to National Treasury. National Treasury feedback/comments were addressed in the 2nd draft. Achieved N/A Q3: First draft of the 2019/20 ENE Chapter and database developed, in line with draft APP priorities, and submitted to National Treasury Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Explanation of Variance Current progress to date ADMINISTRATION (3) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Strategic Risk Assessments conducted and Risk Register updated Q1: 2018/19 Strategic Risk Reports compiled and presented to relevant Governance structures for approval 2018/19 Strategic Risk Reports compiled, presented to relevant Governance structures and signed-off by the Director-General. Strategic Risk were identification during the strategic planning process Not Achieved Due to a late change in the Strategic Planning workshop programme, the strategic risks that were identified were not presented for consideration. Risk Management Unit is engaging with all Branches so as to consider identified risks, which will be concluded in Q4 Q2: No target Q3: 2019/20 Strategic Risk identification conducted and draft strategic risks considered during the strategic planning workshop One identified DTPS business process digitised Q1: Business case for digitization of identified business process developed and approved Following the development and approval of the of the Business Case for digitization of the process of submission of internal memorandums, user specs and customisation was concluded. User Acceptance Testing, user training and awareness was conducted on the e-Submission system. E-Submission is live for usage. Achieved N/A Q2a: User Requirements Specification for e-Submission System developed Q2b: Customization of the e-Submission system concluded Q3: e-Submission system rolled-out Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (1) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date One (1) RSA Position Paper on SADC roaming focused towards the reduction of Cost to Communicate, developed, advanced and implementation plan developed Q1: Stakeholder engagement on draft RSA Position Paper on SADC roaming commenced RSA Position Paper on SADC roaming was finalised and approved following stakeholders consultation. The RSA position on SADC Roaming was advanced at the SADC SCOM and the SADC Ministerial meeting. Achieved N/A Q2: Stakeholder engagement on draft RSA Position Paper on SADC roaming concluded Q3: RSA Position Paper for the SADC ICT Ministerial Meeting focused on SADC roaming finalised, approved and advanced Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (2) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date RSA contribution to SADC 4th Industrial Revolution Roadmap presented and hand-over report developed Q1: Draft RSA contribution to SADC 4th Industrial Revolution Roadmap developed RSA contribution to SADC 4th Industrial Revolution Roadmap developed, approved and advanced at SADC ICT Ministerial meeting. Achieved N/A Q2:RSA contribution to SADC 4th Industrial Revolution Roadmap finalised Q3: RSA contribution to SADC 4th Industrial Revolution Roadmap presented at SADC ICT Ministerial Meeting One (1) RSA Position Paper for ITU-PP 18 focused on regaining membership to ITU, Council developed, advanced and implementation plan developed Q1a:Draft RSA Position Paper developed and canvassed at Regional Forums towards regaining membership to the ITU Council RSA Position paper was developed and canvased at the African Telecommunications meeting. RSA Candidature for ITU was formalised and canvased at identified meetings (ITSO, CTO, SADC , ATU) Cabinet endorsed the RSA negotiating position for the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference. The RSA position was advanced at the ITU PP-18. South Africa was able to advanced 9 proposals which were tabled at PP-18. Q1b: RSA Candidature to ITU Council canvassed at identified meetings through bilateral and brochures Q2a: RSA Position Paper submitted to Cabinet for endorsement Q2b: Election Voting Plan for RSA Candidature developed Q3: Approved position Paper advanced at ITU-PP 18 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (3) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date One(1) RSA Position Paper for UPU Extraordinary Congress 2018 focused on Postal Reform in advancing the developing world agenda Q1: Draft RSA Position focusing on Postal Reform in advancing the developing world agenda, developed RSA Position Paper for UPU Extraordinary Congress 2018 was developed and advanced at UPU Congress 2018. Stakeholder engagement on the outcome of UPU Extraordinary Congress was held during the UPU Council. SA was nominated to be part of the Task Force to carry forward the work of the Reform particularly looking at on the need for and functions of a permanent mid-term Congress. Achieved N/A Q2: RSA Position Paper for UPU Extraordinary Congress 2018 approved and advanced Q3: Stakeholder engaged on the outcomes of the UPU Extraordinary Congress 2018 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (4) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date BRICS ICT Ministerial 2018 meeting hosted and Outcomes and Handover Reports developed Q1: Logistical arrangement for the hosting of BRICS ICT Ministerial 2018 conducted The BRICS ICT Ministerial Meeting 2018 was successfully hosted on 13 - 15 September 2018. An Outcomes Report was developed and Handover Report with final DTPS inputs was also submitted to DIRCO as per national directive. Achieved N/A Q2: BRICS ICT Ministerial 2018 meeting hosted as per the hosting project plan Q3: Outcomes Report on hosting of BRICS ICT Ministerial 2018 meeting and Handover Report for BRICS chair ship developed ITU Telecom World 2018 hosted and outcomes Report developed Q1: Implementation of Phase 1 of the Host Country Agreement in accordance with the hosting project plan The ITU Telecom World 2018 was successfully hosted in line with the Host Country Agreement. The Outcomes Report of the ITU Telecom World 2018 was developed Q2: Implementation of Phase 2 of the Host Country Agreement including the hosting of the ITU Telecom World 2018 concluded Q3: Outcomes Report on hosting of the ITU Telecom World 2018 developed Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT POLICY, RESEARCH AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT (1) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Prioritised ICT Legislation, in line with the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper introduced in Parliament Q1: Public consultation on priority Bills concluded Public consultations were conducted for the Electronic Communication Bill, Postal Service Amendment Bill and Ikamva National E-Skill Institute Bill. The above Bills have been presented to Cluster and Cabinet. Achieved N/A Q2: Prioritised Bills submitted for final pre- certification and SEIAS Q3: Prioritised Bills submitted to Cluster and Cabinet Implementation of the ICT SMME Development Strategy facilitated focusing on identified areas Q1: 30 black ISPs identified and technical ISP training commenced, through MOU with .zaDNA, SEDA and Soft Start The Training of ISPs in the NHI Sites commenced in identified Municipalities. The incubation of ISPs was undertaken with strategic partners such as NEMISA, VAAL University, .zaDNA and Google. Google has capacitated ISPs on some of the Google Apps/tools such as Google My Business, a free and easy-to-use tool for businesses and organizations to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. Q2: Incubation Programme for 30 ISPs commenced through SEDA and SoftStart Q3: Incubation Programme for 30 ISPs continued through SEDA and SoftStart Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT POLICY, RESEARCH AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT (2) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Implementation of the ICT SMME Development Strategy facilitated focusing on identified areas Q1: Programme developed to promote international competitiveness of ICT SMMEs at the BRICS Ministerial Meeting and ITU Telecom World 2018 Programme to promote international competitiveness of ICT SMMEs at the BRICS Ministerial Meeting and ITU was developed and implemented in partnership with Standard Bank and Ericsson. A total amount of R7 million was invested. Financing the building of the SMME Pavilion, transporting 40 SMMEs and paying for their accommodation for the duration of the Conference. An Outcomes Report on the implementation of the Programme to promote international competitiveness of ICT SMMEs at the BRICS Ministerial Meeting and ITU Telecom World 2018 was developed. Achieved N/A Q2: Programme implemented to promote international competitiveness of ICT SMMEs at the BRICS Ministerial Meeting and ITU Telecom World 2018 Q3: Outcomes Report developed on the implementation of the Programme to promote international competitiveness of ICT SMMEs at the BRICS Ministerial Meeting and ITU Telecom World 2018 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT POLICY, RESEARCH AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT (3) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Implementations of the National e-Strategy facilitated focusing on identified areas Q1: Advisory services procured to conduct a Digital Skills Gap Analysis in support of the Digital Skills Strategy With support from the University of the Witwatersrand - Link Centre, the Digital Skills Gap Analysis report was developed and consulted with relevant stakeholders for input. Achieved N/A Q2: Digital Skills Gap analysis report developed Q3: Stakeholder consultation conducted on Gap Analysis Report Q1: Consultation with SAPO on e-Mall development facilitated The SAPO e-Mall Platform prototype was developed and pre-populated with info from ICT SMMEs. The main features of the e-Mall app were finalized and submitted for approval. Q2: Development of e-Mall Prototype monitored Q3: e-Mall Prototype submitted for approval Implementation of the National e-Strategy facilitated focusing on identified areas Q1: Internet for All work-programme developed and approved The Internet for All work-programme was developed and the implementation of the work-programme, which focuses on priority interventions, is facilitated, monitored and reported. Q2 & Q3: Implementation of Internet for All work-programme facilitated and monitored Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT POLICY, RESEARCH AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT (4) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Implementation of the National e-Strategy facilitated focusing on identified areas Q1: Establishment of the Digital Industrial Revolution Commission facilitated Engagements with the Presidency were undertaken to clarify the establishment of DIR Commission versus the Presidential Commission on Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Call for nominations to appoint the members of the Presidential Commission on 4IR was approved and published in December 2018. Not Achieved Secretariat and Technical support, as planned, could not be provided as the Commission is yet to be established. The change of approach from DIR Commission to Presidential Commission on 4IR affected progress. Shortlisting and appointment of members of the PC on 4IR is being prioritised after which the secretarial and technical support will be provided as planned. Q2 & Q3: Secretariat and Technical support provided to the Digital Industrial Revolution Commission towards the development of the Framework for operationalising the Commission Development of National e-Services Portal, in collaboration with SITA, facilitated and e-Services from selected Gov. Departments uploaded Q1: Service level agreement with SITA on e-Services portal developed and submitted for approval An implementation plan of the National e-Government Strategy was developed and approved by DTPS and SITA. Engagements were held with relevant government Departments e.g. DBE and DSD through SITA to deploy e-Services. Achieved N/A Q2 & Q3: Consultation with prioritised Government Departments commenced on the uploading of relevant e-Services Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AND SOE OVERSIGHT (1) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Draft Legislation for the State ICT Infrastructure Company developed Q1: Development of the draft State ICT Infrastructure Company business case commenced The Department developed the first draft Business Case for the State ICT Infrastructure Company which was consulted with stakeholders and submitted to Minister for approval. Achieved N/A Q2: Development of the draft State ICT Infrastructure Company business case concluded Q3: Draft State ICT Infrastructure Company business case consulted with stakeholders and submitted to Minister for approval Draft Legislation for the State IT Company developed Q1: Development of the draft State IT Company business case commenced The Department developed the first draft Business Case for the State IT Company which was consulted with stakeholders and submitted to Minister for approval. Q2: Development of the draft State IT Company business case concluded Q3: Draft State IT Company business case consulted with stakeholders and submitted to Minister for approval Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AND SOE OVERSIGHT (2) Annual target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Expla-nation of Variance Current progress to date Service Delivery performance and compliance of SOEs against strategic plans and relevant prescripts monitored and evaluated and 4 Quarterly State of SOE Reports developed Q1: Consolidated State of the SOEs Report for 2017/18 Quarter 4 developed and submitted Consolidated State of SOEs Report for 2017/18 Q4, Q1 and Q2 of 2018/19 were developed and submitted to Minister. Achieved N/A Q2: Consolidated State of the SOEs Report for 2018/19 Quarter 1 developed and submitted Q3: Consolidated State of the SOEs Report for 2018/19 Quarter 2 developed and submitted Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT (1) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Broadband connectivity and sustenance of 570 identified sites project managed Q1: Broadband connectivity of 63 identified sites project managed and 2017/18 Quarter 4 progress report developed The connectivity and sustenance of the 63 identified sites, which are operational, was projected managed. All 570 sites were project managed. Broadband infrastructure has been installed in 313 site while internet services are activated in 93 sites. All progress reports were developed as planned. Achieved N/A Q2: Sustenance of 63 connected sites project managed and 2018/19 Quarter1 progress report developed Q3a: Sustenance of 63 connected sites project managed and 2018/19 Quarter 2 progress report developed Q3b: Broadband connectivity of 507 identified sites project managed and 2018/19 Quarter 2 progress report developed Network and internet service pre-engineering facilitated for 750 identified sites Q1: No Q1 target 602 sites have been pre-engineered. Q2: Network and internet service pre-engineering facilitated for 250 identified sites and 2018/19 Quarter 1 progress report developed Q3: Network and internet service pre-engineering facilitated for additional 250 identified sites and 2018/19 Quarter 2 progress report developed Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT (2) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Funding application for Phase 2 Broadband Connectivity finalised Funding application for Phase 2 Broadband Connectivity finalised Q1: MoU between the Department and Developmental Funding Institutions finalised MoU between DTPS and DFI was finalised. Tender was issued by DBSA for the scoping of the project pre-feasibility study. Draft baseline analysis report has been developed. Not Achieved The pre-feasibility is yet to be finalized - delays due to required compliance processes. The service provider is prioritizing the pre-feasibility study so as to catch up on lost time. Q2: Project pre-feasibility study finalised Q3: Project bankable feasibility finalised Establishment of the interim National Coordination Centre facilitated in line with implementation of the Rapid Deployment Policy Q1: Implementation Plan for the establishment of the National RDCC developed and submitted for approval Implementation Plan for the establishment of the National RDCC was developed. Interim RDCC was established and held its inaugural meeting on 20 November 2018. Achieved N/A Q2: Establishment of the interim National RDCC commenced Q3: Establishment of the interim National RDCC concluded Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT (3) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explan-ation of Variance Current progress to date Increased service offerings and operations of the Cyber security Hub monitored Q1: 2017/18 Quarter 4 monitoring report developed on increased service offerings and operations of the Cybersecurity Hub. 2017/18 Q4 monitoring report developed focusing on increased service offerings including Security Directives and ongoing establishment of the Sector-CSIRT. 2018/19 Q1 and Q2 monitoring report was developed focusing increased service offerings as well as on the establishment of the Sector-CSIRT and the Cybersecurity Awareness strategy. Achieved N/A Q2: 2018/19 Quarter 1 monitoring report developed on increased service offerings and operations of the Cybersecurity Hub. Q3: 2018/19 Quarter 2 monitoring report developed on increased service offerings and operations of the Cybersecurity Hub Draft SA Preliminary Positions for WRC-19 developed Q1: Study contributions for SA or as part of Multicounty contributions submitted to ITU-R through participation at ITU-R Working Groups 2nd Draft report was updated based in relation to issues regarding agenda 7 & 9.1.1.. The updated report was submitted as part of multi-contributions x 2 to ITU-R TG5/1 on agenda 1.13. Q2 & Q3: Additional study contributions for SA or as part of Multi-country contributions submitted to ITU-R through participation at ITU-R Working Groups Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT (4) Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Performance Status Explanation of Variance Current progress to date Draft SA Preliminary Positions for WRC-19 developed Q1: Study contributions for SA or as part of Multicounty contributions submitted to ITU-R through participation at ITU-R Working Groups 2nd Draft report was updated based in relation to issues regarding agenda 7 & 9.1.1.. The updated report was submitted as part of multi-contributions x 2 to ITU-R TG5/1 on agenda 1.13. Achieved None Q2 & Q3: Additional study contributions for SA or as part of Multi-country contributions submitted to ITU-R through participation at ITU-R Working Groups Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION PERIOD: 01 MARCH TO 31 DECEMBER 2018 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
2018 MTEF Baseline Reductions to the 2017 MTEF baseline by 46,5% from R1,7 billion to R923 million. R203,9 million was reallocated from SA Connect (R143,9m) and Sentech migration of digital signals (R60m) to Sentech for Dual illumination. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
2018 AENE SAPO is expected to issue shares to Government in return for the R2,9 billion. ITU Sponsorships: The sponsorships received in cash are as follows: MTN R25 million Microsoft R1 million IDC R250 thousand Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Q3 - Expenditure per Programme Overall spending at 31 December 2018 was 18% of the allocated budget Administration – expenditure of 60% is due to the accommodation bill or invoice not yet received from DPW. All Invoices were received in January 2019. International Affairs and Trade – expenditure of 95% is as a result of the international membership fees amounting to R27m that were paid in full in the 1st quarter resulting in a saving of R1,3m. ICT Infrastructure Support – expenditure of 63% is as a result of the 100% transfer made to Sentech for the Dual Illumination (R203,9m). Invoices relating to the SA Connect project were received in January 2019. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Q3 - Expenditure per Economic Classification COE – There was an increase of 1,4% from R221m (2016/17 FY) to R224m, taking salary adjustments into considerations, the filling of posts in the Department will be negatively impacted. Salary adjustments effected in the 2nd quarter. G&S – main costs driver is the subsistence & travel and accommodation due to the preparations for the ITU 2018 event. SA Connect invoices received in January 2019. Payment of Financial Assets – funds for the recapitalisation of SAPO to be transferred in January 2019. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
Q3 - Transfers Overall transfers amounts to 85% of the allocated budget International membership fees amounting to R27m were paid in full in the 1st quarter resulting in a saving of R1,3m. Transfers are made to Entities according to the agreed schedule with National Treasury at the beginning of the financial year. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.
2017/2018 AUDIT ACTION PLAN Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
AUDITOR - GENERAL’S AUDIT OUTCOMES FINDINGS CATEGORY FY 2015/16 Audit Report 2 4 3 Management Letter 15 22 28 Overall Opinion Unqualified Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS AUDIT OUTCOMES In order to address the AG’s findings, the Department has developed and is implementing an Integrated Action Plan (IAP) that focuses on: Providing a systemic resolution of the findings Ensuring that root causes are effectively identified and addressed The effective implementation of the IAP is monitored on a regular basis by: The Internal Control Committee The Departmental Executive Committee CD: Internal Audit Services conducts follow-up audits as independent monitoring of progress on the implementation of the IAP Audit Committee provides independent oversight, holding Executive Management to account on effective implementation of the IAP. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
SUMMARY OF PROGRESS ON AUDIT ACTION PLAN Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
THANK YOU Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment.