KEY CONCEPT The current tree of life has three domains.
Classification is always a work in progress. The tree of life shows our most current understanding. New discoveries can lead to changes in classification. Until 1866: only two kingdoms, Animalia and Plantae Animalia Plantae
Classification is always a work in progress. The tree of life shows our most current understanding. New discoveries can lead to changes in classification. Until 1866: only two kingdoms, Animalia and Plantae Plantae Animalia 1866: all single-celled organisms moved to kingdom Protista Protista
Classification is always a work in progress. The tree of life shows our most current understanding. New discoveries can lead to changes in classification. Until 1866: only two kingdoms, Animalia and Plantae Animalia Protista Plantae 1866: all single-celled organisms moved to kingdom Protista 1938: prokaryotes moved to kingdom Monera Monera
Classification is always a work in progress. The tree of life shows our most current understanding. New discoveries can lead to changes in classification. Until 1866: only two kingdoms, Animalia and Plantae Protista Plantae Animalia 1866: all single-celled organisms moved to kingdom Protista 1938: prokaryotes moved to kingdom Monera Fungi 1959: fungi moved to own kingdom Monera
Classification is always a work in progress. The tree of life shows our most current understanding. New discoveries can lead to changes in classification. Until 1866: only two kingdoms, Animalia and Plantae Animalia Protista Fungi Plantae 1866: all single-celled organisms moved to kingdom Protista 1938: prokaryotes moved to kingdom Monera Archea Bacteria 1959: fungi moved to own kingdom 1977: kingdom Monera split into kingdoms Bacteria and Archaea
The three domains in the tree of life are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Domains are above the kingdom level. proposed by Carl Woese based on rRNA studies of prokaryotes domain model more clearly shows prokaryotic diversity
Domain Bacteria includes prokaryotes in the kingdom Bacteria. one of largest groups on Earth classified by shape, need for oxygen, and diseases caused more bacteria in your mouth than people that have ever lived
Domain Archaea includes prokaryotes in the kingdom Archaea. cell walls chemically different from bacteria differences discovered by studying RNA known for living in extreme environments Live in places like deep sea vents, hot geysers, Antarctic waters
Zooflagellate with flagella for moving through water Domain Eukarya includes all eukaryotes. kingdom Protista Zooflagellate with flagella for moving through water
Domain Eukarya includes all eukaryotes. kingdom Protista kingdom Plantae Go to page 663 Read Connecting Concepts
Domain Eukarya includes all eukaryotes. kingdom Protista kingdom Plantae kingdom Fungi Moss cup fungi (Scarlet Elf Cups)
Domain Eukarya includes all eukaryotes. kingdom Protista kingdom Plantae kingdom Fungi kingdom Animalia
A Eukaryote that is not an animal, plant or fungus Protista Kingdom A Eukaryote that is not an animal, plant or fungus May be single or multicellular May be microscopic or large Hard to classify the Protists
Diversity of Protists Animal-like Protists Protozoa is an example Paramecium is an example Pages 577 - 579
Diversity of Protists Plantlike Protists Photosynthetic plantlike protists are ALGAE Dinoflagelletes Diatoms
Diversity of Protists Funguslike Protists Decompose organic matter Can move during part of life Slime molds
Fungi Kingdom Heterotrophs that absorb their food Absorb food from environment No true leaves, roots or stems Walls have chitin NOT cellulose like plants Mainly decomposers Examples: Mushrooms, lichen, yeast
Plant Kingdom Plants are multicellular eukaryotes, most of which produce their own food (autotrophs) through photosynthesis Have adapted to life on land Have chlorophyll that captures energy Cell walls
Plant Kingdom Flip through Chapters 20 , 21 or 22 and find one new fact about plants and share with the class. (5 -7 minutes) EXAMPLE: What are pine cones really used for? Why do some plants have flowers and others don’t? How long do different plants live? Land plants evolved from what?
Animal Kingdom Animals are the most physically diverse kingdom All Animals are multi-cellular heterotrophs Animals cells are supported by collagen Animals are Diploid (have one set of chromosomes from each parent) and usually reproduce sexually Asexual EX-Hydra produces through budding, Whiptail lizards have clones from females lizards