Useful and Beautiful Pencil Holder Activities by Mary Erickson, Ph.D. and graduate student Colette Pecenka In conjunction with the exhibition: NCECA: 2009 Regional Student Juried Exhibition from the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts and the Tempe Center for the Arts
Pencil holders need to be open at the top and tall to be useful. Both of these pencil holders are cylinders.
Which two cylinders have shapes and colors that make them interesting to view? B C
You can make your own pencil holder with supplies like these.
Begin with a ball of clay the size of an orange. Flatten out 1/4 of the ball. Cut the circle for the bottom of your pencil holder with the rim of a plastic cup.
4. Make a “snake” (or coils) by rolling a small amount of your clay first between the palms of your hands and then on the newspaper. 5. Make five or six coils that are thicker than a thick pencil.
6. Place two coils three inches apart. 7. Make the sides of your cylinder by filling in the space with other coils.
8. You can curl a coil to make a “snail” (or spiral). 9. You can also use circles and ovals to fill in the space on the side of your cylinder.
10. Use a popsicle stick to scrape together and connect the coils on one side. Your spirals, circles and ovals will be safe on the other side.
11. Carefully bend the side of your cylinder around the circle bottom you made earlier.
12. Use the popsicle stick to gently push the coils into the bottom circle and to push together the ends to complete your cylinder.
This pencil holder has interesting shapes and is also useful.
If you are a little older and have had more practice working with clay, try working with thinner coils.
Place the top and bottom coils five inches apart and fill the space with circles, spirals and ovals.
Scrape over the coils on one side to hold them together to make your wall. Inside of wall Outside of wall
This pencil holder also has interesting shapes and is useful.