डॉ. विलास एस. महाले सहाय्यक प्राध्यापक ग्रामीण विकास विभाग


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Presentation transcript:

ga`amaINa ivakasaat svaMyasaovaI saMsqaacao yaaogadana yausauf maohrAlaI saoMTr डॉ. विलास एस. महाले सहाय्यक प्राध्यापक ग्रामीण विकास विभाग वीर वाजेकर ए. एस. सी. कॉलेज, फुंडे, उरण

svayaMsaovaI saMsqaocaI saMklpnaa 1. tLagaaLatIla laaokaMnaa sahayya krNyaasaazI ikMvaa svaavalaMbaI banaivaNyaasaazI inasvaaqa- bauWInao kama krNaa-yaa laaokaMkDUna caalavaNaarI saMsqaa mhNajao saovaaBaavaI saMsqaa haoya.

2. sava-saamaanya janatocao, ivaSaoYat: garIba ,garjaU AaiNa maagaasalaolyaa vagaa-cao inakDIcao p`Sna hatat Gao}na to saaoDivaNyaacaa p`ya%na krNaa- yaa SaasakIya ikMvaa inamaSasakIya xao~aabaahorcyaa,, nafa hotu nasalaolyaa mhNajaoca samaajasaovaa ha p`Qaana hotU Asalaolyaa AaiNa baahya inayamaavalaIcyaa farSaa AQaIna nasalaolyaa saMsqaa mhNajao svayaMsaovaI saMsqaa haoya.

3.jyaa saMGaTnaomaQyao kamagaar svaavalaMbaI t%vaanao kama krtat to maaobadlaa ,vaotna ikMvaa maanaQana GaotIla ikMvaa na GaotIla ho %yaaMcyaa [cCovar AvalaMbauna Asato va ASaI saMGaTnaa svat:cyaa saBaasadaMnaI sqaapna kolaolaI va itcyaavar baahorIla kuNaacaohI inayaM~aNa nasato ASaa saMGaTnaolaa svayaMsaovaI saMsqaa Asao mhNatat.

svayaMsaovaI saMsqaocaI vaOOiSaYTyao 1. p`sqaaiptaMcyaa AaiNa pirvat-navaadI saMsqaa 2. mayaa-idt kaya-xao~a 3. naotR%va 4. kaya-pQdtI 5. laaoksahBaaga 6. QyaoyavaadI kaya-k%yaa-McaI A%yalp ]plabQata 7. Aqa-karNa

8. svaaya<ata 9. lavaicakta 10. AadSa- AaiNa ]idYTyaaMcaI baaMiQalakI 11. inaQaI sakMlanaacaa AakRitbaMQa 12. laaokaMcaa eoicCk sahBaaga

ga`amaINa ivakasaat svayaMsaovaI saMsqaaMcaI AavaSyakta baoraojagaarI daird`ya maagaasalaolaI SaotI ivaYamata ga`amaaoVaoga va kuTIraoVaogaaMcaa ABaava iSaxaNaacao Alpp`maaNa AsvacCta va Anaaraogya

svayaMsaovaI saMsqaaMcyaa vyavasqaapnaacaI kaya-o QaaorNa AaKNaI inaNa-ya inayaaojana ,saMcaarNa AiQakarp`dana AaiNa p`%yaayaaojana pya-vaoxaNa va inayaM~aNa saMyaaojana AMdajap~ak

ga`amaINa ivakasaat svayaMsaovaI saMsqaaMcaI sahBaagaacaI AavaSyakta laaokaMcao saMGaTna sarkarI kaya-k`maat laaokaMcaa sahBaaga pirNaamakark AMmalabajaavaNaI sqaainak garjaa va saaQanasaamauga`Icaa ivacaar saaQanaaMcaI kaTksar ivaivaQa dRiYTkaona laxyagaTaSaI javaLIkta janatocaa ivakasaat sahBaaga

svaMyasaovaI saMsqaaMcao ga`amaINa ivakasa ivaYayak ]pk`ma klyaaNakarI kayao- baoraojagaarI inamaU-lana kaya-k`ma ivaivaQa yaaojanaaMt laaokaMcaa sahBaaga va naotR%va ivakasa sqaainak garjaa ,ADcaNaI yaM~aNaopuZo maaMDNao ivaivaQa yaaojanaaMcaI maaihtI va laaBa imaLvaUna doNao yaaogya maaobadlaa imaLvaUna doNao

maUlaBaUt saovaa sauivaQaa purivaNao ga`amaINa janata va yaaojanaakar yaatIla duvaa p`baaoQana va jaaNaIva jaagaRtI kayadyaacyaa AMmalabajaavaNaIcaa pazpuravaa

svayaMsaovaI saMsqaacyaa samasyaa Apura inaQaI P`aiSaixat kaya-k%yaa-MMcaa ABaava kaya-pwtI Qainak va rajakIya nao%yaaMcao vaca-sva SaasakIya AiQaka¹yaaMcaa dRYTIkaona Saaasanaacao ivastairt ivakasa GaTk sa%ta iTkvaNyaacao maaQyama laaBaaqaI-Mcaa dRiYTkaona ]i_YTaMSaI p`tarNaa

svayaMsaovaI saMsqaacyaa samasyaaMvarIla ]payayaaojanaa saMsaaQanaacaI ]BaarNaI kaya-k%yaa-MMcaI inavaD ivakasa kaya-k`maaMsa p`isawI saMsqaocaI kuvat va yaaogya kayaa-caI inavaD samanvaya saimatI

Yusuf Meherally Sept. 23, 1903 - July 2, 1950 Vanguard of India's struggle for independence. Imprisoned eight times. Mayor of Bombay in 1942. “Quit India” slogan was coined by him. Founder of the congress socialist party. writer of several books.

Yusuf Meherally Centre The Centre has been started in 1961 in memory of Yusuf Meherally a freedom fighter and a humanist.

OBJECTIVES To undertake Rural Development activites. To undertake constructive and nation building work among all sections of society. To undertake Rural Development activites. To promote and under khadi & Village Industries. To create awareness of the importance of maintaning ecological balance & to promote sustanable development. To provide the Medical & other Relief to the needy. To undertake educational activites. To provide other relief when required.

Activities of YMC YMC Social Work. Medical Agriculture. Educational. Rural Industrialization & Marketing. YMC Tribal Development . Social Work.

AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES OF YMC Agricultural Extension Vermi- culture & Vermi - compost Organic Farming Micro Water-shed Development Dairy Farming Forestation Nursery

MEDICAL ACTIVITIES OF YMC Sunday Clinic 30 Bed Hospital Mobile Clinic Family Planning Health Education Eye Camps Basic Health Programme

RURAL INDUSTRIALISATION & MARKETING Carpentry Oil Extraction Unit Soap Maunfacture Bakery Pottery Technical Workshop Training- cum- production centre Marketing of village Industry Products

EDUATIONAL Activites of YMC Marathi Medium High School at Tara. Child Day-Care Centre Non- formal Vocational centre for Tribal's. Computer Training centre. Urdu medium High School at Apta. 

TRIBAL Development Activities Getting their settlements recognized. Group Marriage. Co- operative Shops Leadership Training. Securing Benefits of Government & Bank Schemes. 

Yusuf Meherally Centre The Centre has been started in 1961 in memory of Yusuf Meherally a freedom fighter and a humanist.

OBJECTIVES To undertake Rural Development activites. To undertake constructive and nation building work among all sections of society. To undertake Rural Development activites. To promote and under khadi & Village Industries. To create awareness of the importance of maintaning ecological balance & to promote sustanable development. To provide the Medical & other Relief to the needy. To undertake educational activites. To provide other relief when required.

Activities of YMC YMC Social Work. Medical Agriculture. Educational. Rural Industrialization & Marketing. YMC Tribal Development . Social Work.

AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES OF YMC Agricultural Extension Vermi- culture & Vermi - compost Organic Farming Micro Water-shed Development Dairy Farming Forestation Nursery

MEDICAL ACTIVITIES OF YMC Sunday Clinic 30 Bed Hospital Mobile Clinic Family Planning Health Education Eye Camps Basic Health Programme

RURAL INDUSTRIALISATION & MARKETING Carpentry Oil Extraction Unit Soap Maunfacture Bakery Pottery Technical Workshop Training- cum- production centre Marketing of village Industry Products

EDUATIONAL Activites of YMC Marathi Medium High School at Tara. Child Day-Care Centre Non- formal Vocational centre for Tribal's. Computer Training centre. Urdu medium High School at Apta. 

TRIBAL Development Activities Getting their settlements recognized. Group Marriage. Co- operative Shops Leadership Training. Securing Benefits of Government & Bank Schemes. 

WOMAN & CHILD DEVELOPMENT & OTHER ACTIVITIES Women's Associations Small Savings Youth Associations Motivation & Training Camps Camping Facilities Sponsorship Programmes Relief work & educational assistance Anti- Pollution Campaign "Sane Guruji" Day on December 24th

Thank You