Spain and the New World Timelines Timelines are a really useful way of revising. This is especially useful for Spain and the New World because Question 2, the narrative account, needs to be written in chronological order. Below are the main events that cover the Spain topic with timelines.
Timeline to show the chronology of events of Spain reaching the New World, c1490 - 1512 The beginning of an empire: The building of La Navidad 25th December 1492 Building of Santo Domingo – 1496 Treaty of Tordesillas - 7th June 1494 Casa Contratacion set up - 1503 Law of Burgos – 1521 Columbus discover's the New World: Columbus finds a sponsor Columbus sets sail Columbus reaches the New World – 11 October 1492 Incident at Samana - 1493 Columbus arrived back in Spain – March 1493 Columbus’s second expedition to the New World – 28th November 1493 Columbus started to colonise Haiti – 1495 Columbus disgraced and arrested - 1500 Ovando becomes governor of Haiti – 1502
Timeline to show the chronology of events of Spain reaching the New World, c1490 - 1512 1495 1500 1505 1510 1515
Timeline to show the chronology of events of the beginning of an empire and conquest of the Aztecs c1513 - 1528 The Conquest of Darrien (Panama): Balboa lands in Darien 1509 Setting up of Castilla de Oro - 1513 Balboa discovers the ‘Southern Sea’ - 1513 Balboa executed - 1514 Founding of Panama – 1522 The Conquest of Cuba: Hatuey flees Haiti - 1511 Velazquez launched invasion of Cuba -1511 Hatuey burned - 1512 Massacre at Caonao 1513 Founding of Santiago de Cuba – 1514 Magellan circumnavigated the earth – 1519 - 22 The Conquest of the Aztecs in Mexico: Cortes landed on the mainland – 1519 Massacre at Cholula - 1519 Cortes arrives in Tenochtitlan 1519 Spaniards land at Vera Cruz to attack Cortes - 1520 Night of Tears 30th June 1520 Tenochtitlan surrendered to Cortes – 21st August 1521 Cortes made Governor of New Spain - 1523 Cortes removed as governor of New Spain -1528
Timeline to show the chronology of events of the beginning of an empire and conquest of the Aztecs c1513 - 1528 1505 1510 1515 1520 1525 1530
Timeline to show the chronology of events of the conquest of the Inca in Peru and the consolidation of an empire, c1528 - 1555 The consolidation of the empire: Discovery of Potosi - 1545 Council of the Indies formed - 1524 New Laws - 1542 Founding of La Paz 1548 Spanish-French War 1542 - 1558 Seville became rich 1555 Creation of the Consulado 1543 The Conquest of the Inca in Peru: Pizarro’s first expedition – November 1524 Pizarro’s second expedition – November 1526 - 27 Charles I license to Pizarro - 26th July 1529 Pizarro’s third expedition – December 1530 Death of Huayna Capac - 1525 Incan Civil War 1525 - 1532 Battle of Cajamarca – 14th November 1532 Attahuallpa murdered – 26th July 1533 Revolt of the Inca - May 1536 Final defeat of the Inca – April 1537
Timeline to show the chronology of events of the conquest of the Inca in Peru and the consolidation of an empire, c1528 - 1555 1520 1525 1530 1535 1540 1545 1550 1555