Religious Fundamentalism LO: Was America a country of religious and racial intolerance during this period? Key Words: Monkey Trial, Darwinism, Creationism
What do you think is meant by religious fundamentalism?
Watch the DVD clip to show an example of Christian fundamentalism!
KEY WORD Religious fundamentalist: Someone who takes the Bible literally and holds extreme views on religion.
Sister Aimee McPherson Popular preacher of the 1920s One of the first people to use radio to spread her message Thousands flocked to hear her speak
Sister Aimee’s Gospel Car! Go here for info on Aimee’s ‘abduction’ in later life!
America in the 1920s The Southern States of America in the 1920s were known as the Bible Belt. They were traditionally religious and many people here did not like the changes brought about by the ‘Jazz Age’ They thought flappers (fashionable women who often drank and smoked) were immoral and didn’t agree with the emphasis on sex, material goods and ‘loose morals.’ They passed laws banning wearing of ‘indecent’ bathing costumes, gambling on Sunday etc
The Bible Belt
They thought it contradicted the Bible 1925 1925 –6 states, including Tennessee passed law banning the teaching of Creationism They thought it contradicted the Bible
The Bible The Bible teaches that God created the world in 7 days. Fundamentalists take the Bible literally. They believe that man came from Adam and Eve.
Charles Darwin Charles Darwin was a scientist. He came up with the Theory of Evolution Life on earth evolved slowly over millions of years Modern science has shown that human beings are descended from apes and monkeys
Test yourself What was the ‘Bible Belt’? (4 marks) What did many southern states ban in 1925? (1 mark) What are Fundamentalists? (1 mark) Explain Darwinism (2 marks)
Discussion Points Do you think schools should be allowed to only teach Creationism? What would be the best way to approach teaching this subject?
Johnny Scopes Johnny Scopes was a science teacher in Tennessee. He decided to put the law to the test. He taught Darwinism knowing he would be prosecuted.
His trial took place in July 1925 in a packed courtroom, with over a hundred newsmen. It was the first trial in American history to be broadcast on the radio
Clarence Darrow v William J. Bryan Clarence Darrow offered to defend Stopes without a fee. William Jennings Bryan was the leader of the prosecution
There was no doubt that Scopes was guilty. However, the trial concentrated on the arguments for and against the Theory of Evolution For this reason it was nicknamed The Monkey Trial
How did Darrow try to make a fool out of Bryan? During the Trial How did Darrow try to make a fool out of Bryan? “Darrow: “Do you believe in Jonah and the Whale”? Bryan: “It is easy to believe in the miracle of Jonah” Darrow: “Did Eve really come from Adam’s rib”? Bryan: Yes”
The Verdict Scopes was found guilty and fined $100. However, the outcome is generally seen as a victory for Darrow, who managed to humiliate Bryan
Look at the title of the cartoon! Whose side is the cartoonist on? TASK 4: Study this cartoon carefully and make a note of what you can see.. What kind of language is used in the sign? Who does this represent? What do the initials stand for? What expression does he have? Look at the title of the cartoon! Whose side is the cartoonist on?
TASK 5: How useful is this cartoon to an historian studying the Monkey Trial? Say what it shows Say what it’s message is Is it reliable? Is it useful? 5 marks
Proof Read your answer Have you use correct grammar? Have you used key words? E.g. Monkey Trial, William Jennings Bryan, religious fundamentalism
TASK Create a leaflet campaigning either for or against Johnny Scopes. Think of a good heading! Say what he has done and why you think it is wrong Use images to illustrate your leaflet
Plenary – Write your own questions Think of a question to test your knowledge on what you have learnt this lesson. Write the answer on the back. We can use these to test each other next lesson!