WELCOME! STOP 350 Community Meeting January 16th 2019
Dispelling the Myths…
Stop 350 is opposed to any/all development?
Stop 350 is opposed to any/all development? Absolutely NOT! Stop 350 recognises the need for limited, viable, additional homes Any development should only follow an agreed plan which limits the impact on existing infrastructure & a unique environment/heritage Attention should be given to affordable housing Stop 350 believes there should be just one site And that the appropriate site has not yet been identified.
It’s a ‘done deal’ Stop 350 is wasting its’ time?
Brierley's a ‘done deal’ … Stop 350 is wasting its’ time Ask your councillors... They’re here! They represent you! Stop 350 do not believe it is, nor can it democratically be, a ‘done deal!’ Cosways and recent Suffolk planning successes prove it doesn’t have to be a ‘done deal’ Stop 350 do not believe that allowing Brierley reduces the threat to Dawes Lane Stop 350 believe allowing Brierley increases the risk of further speculative applications/development!
Brierley would deliver Mersea a new Surgery?
Brierley would deliver Mersea a new Surgery? Erm, NO! City & Country have already redefined their offer to ‘give land’ at the Brierley site for a surgery They now propose to sell land for such a development The Practice cannot afford such a site The site would not afford appropriate access to patients Such a site would further exacerbate traffic issues already damning the development.
Brierley traffic viability study is credible?
Brierley traffic viability study is credible? Erm, NO again! City & Country delivered ‘data’ from a traffic viability study (sic) at their recent Brierley site ‘consultation’ Massively understated likely impact 200 homes = 468+ additional cars 2.34 cars per household (source DVLA) Likely 800 additional vehicle movements per day Only last week the island was closed to traffic for 4 hours All additional traffic has to come over Strood, Dawes Lane, East Road How long before there’s a very serious accident at Strood/East Mersea Road junction? Dawes Lane is an unclassified Road Parking is already a huge problem on Mersea especially in summer.